How to Properly Use a Red Card

How to Properly Use a Red Card

Ah Target. For all your personal flaws, I like your aisle style.

I love that your red card includes a debit card option, gives me a 5% discount, donates a percentage of my purchases to my school, and gives me free shipping online.

You have an ulterior motive though.  I can see through your niceness.  You know that if I swipe a card, be it credit or debit I will spend 50% more.  Give me a card; you make more….smooth.

I thought money fights in my marriage were a thing of the past, but you temped me to misbehave and I took the bait. I swipe my card knowing I have the cash in my purse to cover it, in all the proper budgets.  No stress, no fear, easy swipe. I intend to put the cash in the “return to the bank” envelope so we know it is spent. Still, sometime in the ride from the store to home, someone has to unload the car, potty, break up a fight, and get a snack, make dinner…and I forget all about the cash.

I forget, until it is time for my husband, (who is a CPA and VERY detailed) starts asking me about all the Target draws on our bank account and what they are for.  And why the “back to the bank” envelope doesn’t have the same amount of cash in it. And where that cash is now.  My chest feels tight, and my head hurts, because I know the money is gone.  I spent it twice. Since all of our money has a name, I spent the money we set aside for other things on something I don’t care about as much, and now I’m mad.

back to the bank

I’ll keep the card and I’ll come back, but we won’t fight anymore.  I have a secret plan.  It’s a little envelope in my purse called, “back to the bank.” So now, while I’m standing in line, I will swipe my card and put in my pin and save my 5% and send some love to my school….and I’ll put the cash into the “back to the bank” envelope right then. No delay between swiping the card and driving home to give me time to forget about moving the cash.

Yep, we’re both clever. See you in the dollar aisle. 😉


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7 thoughts on “How to Properly Use a Red Card

  1. katie says:

    That’s a great idea! We do the cash envelopes also, and sometimes I’ll be out and have the Clothing envelope and see something that would be able to come out of Gifts or Groceries or something and I’ll borrow from whichever one I have with the intention of transferring cash between envelopes when I get home… nope. Never works right. I need to just say “That’s not what I came to buy” and see if I still want it later, since it’s usually impulse shopping anyway. Good idea to carry an extra “return envelope” in your purse to keep things straight!

    • Angela says:

      Katie, I hear you. Envelopes when used well, can save us a ton of impulse buying. You might consider using a checkbook size coupon organizer so you can carry multiple envelopes at once. They all open at the top at once so I can make change for myself between envelopes while standing in line. It’s easier for me than fiddling with flaps of real paper envelopes.

  2. sue says:

    Awesome explanation of the sneaky little red card, but oh so true of double spending the same money. Ive done it in the past too. But the reason Im writing (never have before) is to ask, “what is the MOM CEO?” square you have on your site? What do they do? Costs? Howdo you make money and not sell something? Curiosity is killing the cat, or maybe just an injury 🙂

    • Angela says:

      Sue, MomCeo has worked with us a long time :). Sandi is a great person. Her business is a multi-level marketing opportunity. But you don’t hold inventory or deal with product delivery etc. If you are interested give her a call or send her an email. I’ve personally tried the products and liked them. She’s low pressure so if you decide it’s not for you, that’s fine too.

  3. Tammy says:

    I have a target credit (not debit card) and I swipe it, and then immediately stop at customer service and pay that amount from my cash envelope. Then I never have a balance (except when I forget to give my husband cash). 😉

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