Your Goals

I’m super excited about all the “I’m in” comments from yesterday. Thank you!  It’s such a good feeling to not be alone.

When I have a goal that requires a big sacrifice (say a fitness challenge with Fit Yummy Mummy), I do better when I think about it awhile before the sacrifice begins.  It gives me time to wrap my mind around what I’m agreeing to do, what it will change in my daily life, and for how long.  With enough time to think about it, my whole being commits to the process.  I will DO this!  It’s not a whim that I’ll forget about in a couple of days, it’s going to happen.

It’s important to note that this Spending Freeze is for the month of January only.  What I’m asking you to do would be miserable to sustain for a lifetime.  We did it for 6 months one time (to win the trip to the Bahamas with Dave Ramsey) and while it was hard, it was doable.  1 month is even more doable.   It’s long enough to get momentum, but short enough to ask you to do some crazy stuff to reach your goals. If you hate it, it was over.  It can be that thing you talk about….”Remember that time we listened to that crazy blogger and….” On the other hand, if you decide it isn’t all that bad, you can extend it to further reach your goals.

Why the freeze?  I don’t know about you, but our income covers our expenses and not much more.  We could stop music lessons, sports and school expenses and make more traction, but I’m hoping to create traction without my kids missing out on opportunities.  (On the other hand, if we had a real emergency, like a sudden job loss–the music lessons and sports would instantly be on the chopping block.)  By sacrificing some of the “stuff” that we consider part of our basic needs, I can make traction.  Here are some things we could temporarily do without:  computer paper, ink, shoes/clothes, printed photos, certain foods, movies, restaurants, cosmetics, toilet paper, or paper towels.

Wrap your mind around what we are about to do, and while you’re wrapping….Let’s set some goals.  What would you like to accomplish this year? Then highlight the ones you can specifically do this month.

Spending Freeze Goals

If you need ideas, start with Dave’s baby steps:

1.  $1,000 mini emergency fund

2.  Debt Snowball

3. 3-6 months of expenses in savings

4. Invest 15% of household income in retirement

5. Fund College for Kids

6. Pay of Home Early

7.  Invest and Give

We are on baby step 5b…which is saving for a special project.  Our bedroom has been torn up for 3 years.. exposed studs, insulation, & pipes, 45 year old carpet, dim lighting, a bathtub sized hole in the floor….you get the picture.  We are saving to fix it as inexpensively as possible while still getting a good finished project.

When you are writing down your goals, be specific with dollar amounts.  This is private. No one but you and your husband needs to see it, so be detailed.

While you are being specific break it down.  Our bathroom project is huge — moving walls and plumbing lines huge.  If I simply saved up for the entire project it would take us 4 constant years of spending freezes to get there. I can’t think like that.  I don’t have the strength to keep momentum that long.

If I break the project down into smaller parts, my sacrifice center understands that.  I can save up to move the door.  And then to build the wall.  Once the wall is up, I can paint the bedroom side of the suite and live in a finished room.

Download your worksheet here:  Spending Freeze My Goals


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5 thoughts on “Your Goals

  1. Susan says:

    I had to laugh when I saw what you were freezing from purchasing. If you lived on Social Security you have already given up those things and not for one month. My only luxury is my Kindle that my children gave to me several Christmas ago. Don’t feel sorry for me because I have wonderful friends and a wonderful family who does many things for me. Happy New Year.

    • Angela says:

      Hi Susan, Many of us will do without some “basic” needs this month–like toilet paper, to make traction. When income is very low–that’s when the crazy fun begins. It’s not just luxuries that can hit the freeze. Hopefully this message will hit the youth so they won’t need to retire on social security. By sacrificing now, they can have a brighter future.

  2. lydia says:

    Funny, I was just thinking of starting a no spend year for 2015. I was terrified by the prospect! This seems much more doable.

  3. Kim says:

    just what I need. I have paid off all but $4000.00 and can’t seem to get traction on that. I’m already investing my 15% since my company matches 50 percent so doing my steps out of order but Like you said, it takes sacrifice to change your future and hopefully those of our children and grandchildren . I’m scared but I’m in.

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