The pool is broken…

So the directors at our reunion improvised.


I found out this week that reunion is a unique thing to my denomination. The first one was in the year 1888 and they stayed in tents in September for a week to worship and fellowship together.

We do it about the same today but we are staying in college dorms and the ladies don’t have to wear dresses. It’s a week where we have prayer service every morning, religious class right after that, and worship every evening with some of the best preaching we will hear all year.  The afternoons are full of visiting, sports, and games.


Grant decided to join in the fun

We play together, eat together, and worship together. There’s no news, no TV, no radio, no video games. It’s wonderful. I’m filling my cup to over flowing for the year.


But not for long

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3 thoughts on “The pool is broken…

  1. Julianne says:

    Do you happen to know any Vickery’s? I’m assuming you are of the RLDS group? Betty and Jerry Vickery have 11 kids, I am married to the 3rd oldest son. Just curious to know if we happen to have a connection. 🙂

  2. Joquena says:

    That looks fun! We’re the children’s directors at our church and we’re hoping to be able to go on a retreat this year with the pastor and worship leader to recharge as well.

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