It’s my birthday!

I don’t mind growing older much.  Each year brings me a little more secure in who God created me to be, a little bolder in my belief, a little wiser with my decisions, and a little happier with my life.

While I’m thinking of it, my friend Twylene shares my birthday today.  She is the sunniest, sweetest person there is and she is fighting stage 4 cancer.  Will you pray for her and her family?

I have so many plans and dreams for the future, but if I never accomplish another thing, I’m satisfied.  From a child I dreamed of being a teacher, wife and mother.  In my adult life I followed my dreams and started a sewing pattern company, been on TV and the radio, and in the National Enquirer.  (Should I be proud of that last one?)  I’ve been blessed to travel to all 50 states, Canada, Bahamas, Honduras and Mexico.  I’d love to see Europe, England and the Orient someday, but if I get to stay in the United States for the rest of my life I can’t think of anything better.

What more important thing could I accomplish than raising my beautiful babies, creating a home that allows my family to be the best they can be, and living a life of service for God? 

This blog lets me share what happens as I go about the 3 most important things in my life and I appreciate you for being a loyal reader.  Knowing someone might read and be encouraged makes me reach a little farther, try a little harder, and learn a little more.  You inspire me to be better, Thank You!

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11 thoughts on “It’s my birthday!

  1. elizabeth says:

    Happy Birthday! ! ! You can be anything you want to be with your industriousness and skills. Being a loving mother is your highest calling. Hope you have a wonderful day.

  2. Christy says:

    Happy Birthday! I will pray for your friend. I have a good friend that is fighting stage 3 colon cancer.

  3. Valerie says:

    Happy Birthday! Praying for your friend! Today is also my birthday…but I’m afraid my attitude about it is not as good as yours is. I’ve NEVER struggled with getting older until this year. Just feels like I can’t possibly have lived “that” many years already, it’s gone WAY too fast! 🙂 I’m NOT ready for “this” age yet. I’ll get over it and be fine, I know, but WOW….how fast time has gone! Have a wonderful day, and thank you for your encouraging attitude and information. I too have followed my dream of being wife and mom and wouldn’t trade my family OR my job for the world! We are TRULY blessed!

  4. Susan Felts says:

    I picked a great day to find your site and buy BOTH of your books. Call it my birthday present! 🙂 You have done a wonderful thing with this site and I greatly appreciate it!! I can’t wait to read all of both of your books (at first glance, they are amazing and for only $13!!).

  5. Bridget says:

    Happy Birthday! I am so glad I found your blog and really appreciate your sharing snippets of your life. You inspire me with your home improvement projects and furniture makeovers!

  6. Colleen P. says:

    Speaking as a person that has visited the countries you want to visit, and in fact lived in England for several years, I can say with authority-Do not let your dream of seeing England, Europe and the Orient die. It’s worth it to go, even if you can’t do it when you think you “should”. I can assure you that Europe and England will be happy to welcome you whenever you are able to visit, as will Asia! The very best things about these countries will not change-England will still have lovely old houses, Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands will still be amazing, and Asia will still astound you with the beauty and the people. Go when you can. You’ll never regret it!

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