Huge Giveaway Time!

A hearty welcome to our friends old and new.  If you are new to the Grocery Shrink from the Letterd Cottage or The Nesting Place, I hope you will stay and visit a little.  You will find lots of money saving ideas, tips, recipes and projects. 

I’m joining the other sponsors at The Nesting Place for a huge holiday give-away.  My give-away is open from November 15th through the 20th at 11:00am.  On the 20th I will  draw 2 names to receive a set of my 3 ebooks and a Mary Kay Peach Smoothie Satin Hands Pampering Set in the mail–a $55 value!  Both winners will get *all of the gifts shown in the photo above.

*I can only ship the Satin Hands inside the United States, but International readers can still enter to win the free ebook set.

Entering to win is easy.  Just leave a comment telling one thing you are thankful for or an unexpected kind gesture you received some time.

If you’d like to enter more than once, you can join the Grocery Shrink on Facebook, Twitter, and sign up for my free newsletter (in the upper right corner).  You’ll get an entry for each one.  Be sure to write in your comment what you’ve done  if you’ve entered more than once.

Plus, I’m having a big sale.

I’ve never done this before and may not do it again. Until November 28th, you can purchase all 3 ebooks for only $12!!!! Regular price on this set is $20 so you can see what a value this is. If you purchase now and win the giveaway, you’ll get a tidy little refund of your full purchase price! Plus you get an extra week of enjoying all the fabulous information and a head start on money saving habits.  Just click the button below to purchase now and the download links will come instantly to your inbox.

3 Ebook Set

$20 $12  Add to CartView Cart

Be sure to visit the nesting place to enter all the other giveaways going on at this time.  There are some fantastic prizes and new friends to meet!

P.S.  If you aren’t familiar with the books shown above for the giveaway: the center book tells the shopping, planning and cooking method I use to feed my family for $50 per person per month.

The book on the left tells how to have a debt free Christmas Celebration and is full of printable planning guides, recipes and craft projects.

The book on the right contains 31 delicious all natural slow cooker recipes for main dishes.

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581 thoughts on “Huge Giveaway Time!

  1. Lacey says:

    An unexpected nice gesture done for me—my 5 year old son saw my shoes and jacket sitting downstairs at the bottom of the stairs, so he picked them up and took them to my room without even being asked to! I am so thankful for my two sweet boys in my life! 🙂

  2. susan says:

    Everyday I’m thankful for my children, family, friendships, home, and to awake each morning to a fresh new day.

  3. janelle says:

    I am thankful for a healthy family and new friendships. Thanks for sharing your ideas. Found you via Nester and TLC.

  4. Sarah Teske says:

    Oops! Hit return too early.

    Hubby and I are on Dave Ramsey’s baby step 3 — so would LOVE to win your giveaway to learn more about saving money!

  5. Staci Wykes says:

    Found you from lettered cottage – going to buy the downloads for sure!! Hoping for a refund! I am thankful that my husband and I were able to get our finances in line enough for me to recently leave my job and become a stay at home mom to our 2 year old son and one on the way!!

  6. lindyb says:

    I have visited your blog before and love it! I am thankful for the baby we have been praying for that is due in 6 weeks! My first three are so excited.

  7. kribss says:

    i totally need this! i see $$ being thrown away every week when i clean out the fridge and pantry. i’m thankful for my family, as weird as they are : )

  8. jeanfrances says:

    I’m “Delighted” about the savings already!
    My family and I “Thank You” for the sale price!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. Melissa says:

    I am thankful for 2 beautiful children and a roof over my head. I am NOT thankful for all the debt. Thank you for sharing your story!

  10. Sue says:

    I am thankful I have found this site. My hubby has been diagnosed with C____cer and I/we are overwhelmingly grateful it is not terminal. We will be living on one income for a while. Your tips will help us tremendously, I am sure! 🙂 If I don’t win, I am sure I will still learn much from you, your website and blog, and the forum!
    Thank YOU

  11. laurie@heavenswalk says:

    Angela – I’m your newest follower and just signed up for your newsletter. I’m excited about trying to save some money. I admit that I love buying things…..anything!….but know that I need to clamp down on my frivolous ways. Thank you for offering this giveaway — but most of all for being such a giving soul and helping those of us out here who are drowning in debt.

    I am thankful and very grateful for the blog world I’ve stumbled into during the past year. The blogging friends I’ve come to know are an incredibly supportive and encouraging community that I continue to be blessed by. 😉

    xoxo laurie

  12. Katie says:

    My husband is the king of unexpected gestures. This morning it was me grumbling that he was making the bathroom floor squeak too much while he was getting ready for work before the sun rose and him responded with nothing but a chuckle, an unexpected kiss on my forehead and an “I love you” before he headed off to work.

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