BOT Day 3 Food Journal

Food I’m not eating today:


Pepparkakor: Sweedish spiced cookies for my son’s Country project.


Ham and cheese calzones for the kids’ brown bag lunches made from half the Award winning dough.


Loaf made from the other half of award winning dough.

For breakfast I had Greek yogurt and strawberries.


For snack I had a pure protein bar:


I’m looking forward to another apple salad for lunch while my boys enjoy their calzones and veggies with dip.





Snack: Greek yogurt chocolate mousse and strawberries. I had to really fight the temptation to take a spoon and finish off the rest of the whipped topping container. I had hummus and carrots instead.

The foods I’m NOT eating today are causing quite a distraction. I can hear them taunting me from inside their platic wraps. Hopefully some hungry children will come home soon and finish them off.

Still ravenous, so I ate 1 oz of raw, frozen almonds. I love to eat frozen nuts! They are sooo crunchy!


I primed all the trim in the dining room today. It took forever and is taking even longer to dry, but I’m really going to like it. Everything is so much lighter and cheerier. I didn’t have a lot of time to fix dinner and I finally got tired of apple salad šŸ™‚ So I ate what the rest of the family had: Ground beef Lo Mein with whole grain pasta. It was delicious and even my picky eaters devoured it.


I was still hungry after my one cup portion so I added a huge salad with 1/2 cup mandrain oranges, 2 Tbs of honey roasted peanuts and 2 Tbs of fat free French dressing.

Totals for the day are 1602 calories and 100 grams of protein. I feel fantastic!

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2 thoughts on “BOT Day 3 Food Journal

  1. Cheryl E. says:

    Your foods look awesome! My little guy is now 3 months (child #5) and my weight is slowly coming off — possibly slower as I am almost 40 now.

    Anyway, I would urge you not to cut calories and diet as this tells your body after a period of time to hold onto the weight. Eat your good fats (avocados, olive oil, butter and not the processed soy, canola, corn, etc) and enjoy feeling full and providing good milk for the baby (I am assuming that you are nursing). Glad to see you eating such great proteins, too! In our home, we eat only full fat products including raw milk.

    If you totally don’t agree, this is where I’d tell my children to smile and say, “Thank you. ” lol Something to think about, anyhow.

    Your meal planning service has been highly recommended in a yahoo homeschooling forum. I find the planning so time-consuming and I end up typically not using my planned menus after all because no one is hungry, I’m too busy/rushed with activities or poor planning. I’m spending too much and not utilizing what is in my freezer/pantry enough. I am going to give your site a try and see if I can follow Your Plans even if I don’t do my own. With your detailed instructions, I could also have my children prepare the meals more often, too (13, 11, 9 yo’s at least).

    • Angela says:

      Hi Cheryl, Thanks for writing. Congratulations on baby #5! Aren’t they wonderful?

      Yes, I agree. I’m not dieting, though I’m not nursing anymore. My little guy is 18 months and while I had hoped to nurse for 2 years, but there were some circumstances that made it the best choice to wean a few months ago. The day after I weaned cold turkey, he started sleeping through the night and had a much better personality. While I’m a huge nursing advocate (even for toddlers)

      I suppose it’s all semantics. Dieting to me used to mean making healthy choices with a goal to burn fat. But the word has gotten a bad reputation in the fitness community. Partly because they can get us to spend more money if they can make us feel stupid. So I won’t call it dieting since I’m not starving myself or restricting any food groups–I’m just trying to make healthy choices. I’m small enough now that I need to be below 1800 calories a day to continue to burn fat and there only if I am faithful with exercise. But 1600 calories a day feels fantastic–which is 400 calories higher than the 1200 minimum for survival. My real plan is to eat at varying levels of calories. Maybe 1200 one day, then 1800 another, then 1600, 1500–to keep my body on the run and to shake up my set point. But for now, it’s just to be consistent with healthy choices. That’s my biggest hurdle.

      You are so right that eating at the 1200 minimum or below consistently will slow metabolism. But on the other hand, weight loss is a calories in, calories out issue. So if I want to lose weight, I either have to cut back on calories or step up my calorie burning through exercise/muscle building etc. So that’s what I’m doing–one day at a time. One choice at a time. Consistency-that’s my big issue, lol.

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