Why I Went to the Hospital

Don’t forget to enter our giveaway here. The winner will be chosen Friday, May 4th.

I’ve been sewing for 20 years…or maybe a little longer.  So I was as shocked as anyone when I made a huge safety mistake with my sewing machine.

I haven’t volunteered much up at the kid’s new school.  I sent the kids there to help with my overhwelming home circumstances. Beyond sending up food now and then, didn’t feel up to much more.  So when the music teacher asked me to make a whale out of a hula hoop–I wanted to say, NO.  But instead I said, “Can I think about it?”

Thinking about it meant beating myself up for not being more involved.  Telling myself it was the least I could do.  And wondering if I didn’t, who else would or could?  But honestly, I didn’t really know HOW to make a whale out of a hula hoop.  That didn’t stop me from telling them I would.

So I thought about it for a really long time.  Then finally, I called my mother, who knows everything. And she came up with an elaborate plan with a hinged mouth and pully system.  Which I eventually scrapped–but at least it got me started, lol.

Finally, I procrastinated long enough that other projects were piling up.  I set a short deadline and went for it.  With 15 minutes left to work, I figured I could have it finsihed in time to pick up the children from school and drop off the whale to enjoy a nice stress free weekend.  But instead, I reached for a stray pin, while lifting my foot off the foot control.  I was unaware that the foot control was wedged under the leg of the sewing table keeping it on even while my foot was off.  I sewed all the way through my right index finger and the needle broke off inside.

Yikes!  It was time to go pick up the kids, the whale wasn’t done, and now this. Neither end of the needle was visible, but I knew it was in there.  I worked at it for a few minutes, but couldn’t take care of the problem with my left hand.  I called my husband for help, who suggested I go to the hospital.  I didn’t want to do that.  Instead I drove up to the school to ask the nurse for help.  She had gone home for the day, but there were lots of parents there with medical backgrounds.

Not one of them could even look at it.  They pretty much said, “You did what?!!!”  Then held up their hands to block the sight and suggested I go to the hospital.

I was unaware that my oldest daughter, Heidi, was at home calling all sorts of people to help.  When I headed back to my car to make a new plan, my mom drove up and insisted I get in her van and go to the hospital.  I gave in.

They treated me very well there.  Ushered me right back and acted like I had a real injury, lol. Even gave me a prescription for a pain pill for the healing period, Bwa ha ha ha! (I did not fill that.) Within an hour I was on my way back home, but lost all interest in sewing.  I told my mom that was the most expensive sewing project I’ve ever made (when you figure in the medical expense) and I’d might as well start buying everything.  She laughed and said, “Probably right, but where are you going to buy a whale made from a hula hoop and a bedsheet?”

So I hopped back on the horse and started sewing again.

It turned out pretty cute and can actually swallow Jonah :).

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15 thoughts on “Why I Went to the Hospital

  1. lesliehas5 says:

    Oh. My. Word. Angela, I think it would be easier to homeschool. LOL Can’t believe you went home and got back to sewing. It turned out amazing, though! Glad your finger is ok. 🙂

  2. Devon says:

    Am I the only weird one that wanted to see pictures of your finger? 🙂 (My son is being treated for cancer, so I no longer have a weak stomach when it comes to things like that!) On a serious note, I’m sorry that you hurt your finger and I’m happy to hear that your doing better! Prayers for a fast recovery! 🙂

  3. Lela says:

    One the bright side the school may never ask you to help with anything ever again…

  4. Joquena says:

    Ouch. I sewed over my thumb a few years back. The machine locked up and I had to take it apart with one hand to get the needle out of the machine, so I could pull the needle out of my hand. I guess it was my own fault… I was watching the “Notebook” and wasn’t paying enough attention to what I was doing. New rule- No watching Dramas while sewing!

  5. Donna English says:

    Oh my goodness. I am so sorry to hear that happened. You have to learn to say no, my plate is full right now. Can I help in some other way? The whale is cute and I hope your finger heals quickly with no problems!

  6. kathy says:

    Sorry to hear about your finger but I wish your kids went to my school, because that is the best whale I have ever seen. You are very talented and I am sure the staff at the school reallllllyyyyyy appreciated you saying “yes”. Parents like you are a gift and a jewel. Thanks for being you.

  7. Doris F. says:

    I did that once! The needle broke but a piece was sticking out the bottom of my finger. I thought I was going to faint but I did manage to pull it out.
    That whale looks awesome!

  8. Ella says:

    I winced while reading this! You are truly heroic for returning to the sewing machine right away. I probably would have given it a rest after getting bit like that! ….and SUPER cute whale! Hopefully it gets another 10 – 20 years of use so you can feel like the expense was more worth it. 🙂

  9. Colleen says:

    That whale is soooo cute! Great job. “Make a whale out of a hoola-hoop, ” kinda sounds like something out of an old “MacGyver” episode!

  10. charlie says:

    Oh my gosh, that has always been my worst fear with sewing. Ouch!! So glad you are ok. The whale came out pretty cute though.

  11. April says:

    I’m sorry you got injured! I agree with the others though, that whale is AMAZING!!! I may have to try to make one for our nursery class since we’re doing Jonah in a few weeks. Mine probably won’t be nearly as cool, but how fun that looks!!! 🙂

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