What are you interested in?

Hello there!  I’ve missed you! I really thought when August came around I’d be back to blogging every day, but it didn’t happen. I’ve been doing some work behind the scenes and it has taken all my brain power.  Things like building the cabinets for my music room, filming for a mini-class and restoring the pictures in my most popular blog posts.  If you remember, I had a major website crash last February that erased more than 2,000 pictures….a very sad day for me.  It will take me years to get all the pictures back, and I’m prioritizing the most read posts.  If your favorite post is still missing pictures, message me and I’ll put it on the priority list.

In my non-business personal life, I’ve been spending a lot of brain power on fitness.  As I’m finding the proper balance for my adrenal insufficiency, I’ve decided to start working out regularly and eating right–hopefully to lose the 35 lbs I’ve put on over the last few years while fighting the illness.  I’ve learned that I enjoy strength training a little more than cardio (as a FYM cardio = 15 minutes of high intensity interval training), bwa ha ha. strength-training-vs-cardio

I’ve been a 5 year fan of Holly Rigsby and member of the Fit Yummy Mummy Lifestyle.  It doesn’t take a lot of time to live the FYM life (20 minutes a day!), but it’s something I’ve been doing deep soul searching with while I walk the walk.  Why do I make bad food choices and when?  Can I predict it and head it off before it happens? How can I change my attitude and reframe my emotions about food?  How can I affordably treat myself without using food? I’ve been writing in my journal every day at clubFYM and getting good support from Holly and the other ladies walking the same path.  That interaction has fulfilled a lot of my need to write.


I can see the changes in my face!

My writing in a private journal doesn’t help you, I know.  So I’m committing to show up here and write more often.    I’ve had some topics floating around my head, but would love to know what you’re interested in. If you can spare a minute, select all the topics you would like to hear about and if you have an idea of your own, you can leave it in the comments :).

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6 thoughts on “What are you interested in?

  1. Nicole says:

    Your BEST writing comes when you put yourself out there a bit too far and your heart shines through. It’s then we can see your soul….and that, my friend is a beautiful soul! It is your aha moments you share that make you so endearing. And the lessons you have learned while living your life raising your children. It isn’t about what you teach….its YOU. Just you and your stories. So don’t run yourself ragged making lists and telling yourself you aren’t doing it right or taking too long or not making it great. Because it’s already great. Keep sharing your moments and let me find the familiar bits to reassure me as I mother my own children, glean what I can from you to make it better, and have a place to offer advice if asked. I read what you write whether I’m interested in the topic or not. So don’t tell yourself you aren’t doing enough. Because you are already enough.

    • Angela says:

      Hi Kristy! Yes, I use dumbbells. I would buy 10, 15, and 20 lb pairs to start. Don’t use barbie weights, they are worthless towards fitness goals. If you want something less than 10 lbs, you can fill milk jugs with water instead–full they are 8 lbs. They can be expensive (like $1 a lb) but are frequently offered on craigslist.

  2. Amanda says:

    I agree with Nicole – as a mom of littles I like hearing that home projects are not instant and living is possible in a less than perfect home. Seeing you live in your kitchen during your longest remodel really inspired me last year. We had a kitchen leak and subsequent insurance fight. It was 12 months of living with plastic over the walls and Costco tables for counters. But you and several other real life moms helped me not get too depressed and try to focus on what I could do (crockpot vs 12 months of takeout) we were able to save a lot of $ and start the project 2 months before insurance settled. And pay for the kitchen of my heart for this house.
    Also your master bedroom just picking up and then deciding what to do really helped me in the same way.

    So keep sharing your life thanks

  3. Sarah says:

    What sort of basic strength moves do you suggest starting with? I love everything fitness and food related, because those are my 2 main interests, but really enjoy all your writing!

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