We are going camping!

lit up tent

I’m terrified!  I have great memories of family camping as a child.  We went several times a year, almost always to Watkins Mill where they have a fabulous swimming lake and a gorgeous paved bike trail.  In the autumn, we would lie on lounge chairs after riding at least 10 miles, glistening with sweat.  If we were still enough, butterflies would come and land on us and lick up the salt from our skin. It was peaceful and renewing. At least for us kids. As I think back on things, Mom had to work pretty hard to give us such a relaxing time.


I couldn’t wait to start a camping tradition with my own family!  I begged Darren to take us.  I did all the planning and packing, just like my mom did when I was growing up. Except things were different for us. I was 7 months pregnant with WD and it was the hottest day of the year. The first night, my 23 month old daughter cried all night long.  We helplessly comforted her while listening to our neighbor’s Harley revving into the wee hours of the morning.  The next day,  I begged Darren to take us home.  He said, “No.”

Watkins Woolen Mill State Park and State Historic Site, Lawson

We groggily continued with our plans to enjoy the area.  The swimming lake had been drained for repairs and the bike trail was torn up in the section that went over the dam.  Undaunted I strapped my  toddler daughter in the bike child seat and headed on the 5 mile trail around the lake.  When I got to the torn up dam I had two choices, go back the other way and ride 5 miles back to the start or carefully ride the rubble.  It was 104 degrees, I was exhausted—none of this had been fun so far.   I chose the rubble.   In my attempt to ride carefully, I fell way behind Darren who was pulling our older 2 children (aged 5 and 3 in a double bike trailer.)  He was completely out of ear shot when I fell off the dam, taking my pregnant self, bike and back seated baby with me.  Thank the Lord we had helmets!  They were dented but we were relatively safe.  I was bloody and Heather was crying pretty hard.  I put her back in the seat and walked the bike back to our campsite.  I left a trail of blood in the road.   When Darren saw me, I didn’t have to beg to go home.  We just went.

Watkins Mill Bike Trail

We tried camping again 5 years later. This time we went with friends who knew what they were doing and agreed to do the cooking if we would help with clean up and paying for food. I packed no supplies except a borrowed tent, a sleeping bag and a hand crank flashlight. (Yes, not even a pillow or a lawn chair.) The first night, I sat up all night sitting at the campground supplied picnic table, cranking my little flashlight with all my might and pointing it into the woods.   My arm got tired really fast, but I had to keep my babies safe from those loud, stick-popping sounds coming from the woods.  The best part of that trip was the FOOD!  Oh man, my friends knew how to fix a mean campfire meal.

With my frequently pregnancies, illnesses, and financial strains, we have only taken 2 family trips with all the children.  We would like to fix that now that life seems to be settling down for us. Camping is one way to afford a family trip, enjoy lots of together time and see the country.  So off we go!   Here’s what I’ve learned:

1. Prep work is the key to a successful trip.  Planning food in advance can help make the trip more relaxing for all.

2.  The right gear is important. Battery flashlights are better than hand crank ones in this situation :).  We will invest in a few small pieces of gear this time, but are borrowing some things to help keep the trip affordable.  If we go camping again, we will be able to buy a couple of things next time too.

It’s a short list, because I’m awful at camping :).  I’ve love to hear your tips in the comments.

Tomorrow I’m going to share some camping friendly recipes I’ve gathered.  If you aren’t planning a camping trip, don’t worry.  These are perfect at home freezer meals too!

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8 thoughts on “We are going camping!

  1. Sheila says:

    Did you have an 18 and 23 month old daughter at the same time? And pregnant? I can’t believe you attempted camping!

    • Angela says:

      LoL! Just one toddler daughter, and pregnant. And 2 slightly older children too (almost 4 and 5 1/2.) It was crazy, but not THAT crazy. I need to go find my typo :).

  2. Sheila says:

    Well, even so! Wow – so I have nothing to offer here. We went camping one time with our 2 kids (probably around ages 9 and 6 so much older than yours and I was NOT pregnant) and left early and never tried it again. It was… not for us. I guess I have one tip: Mice got into my bags of pancake mix, etc., and it was all stored in my car. I wanted to get a new car. (We did not, of course, but that car saw bleach when we got home.) So I would store all the food inside plastic bins inside my car if I did it again. But I won’t. 🙂 So many people love camping and have wonderful memories. I hope you guys do! We did a lot of day trips, and still tend to do that.

    • Angela says:

      Lol, Sheila. Mice make me scream and act like a coward. Then shudder with disgust for days. Here’s hoping it works out better now that we are out of the baby phase. It’s the way we can afford to show our kids the world, so I’m all for giving it another try :).

  3. Elizabeth Rogers says:

    My best tips are to pack as much stuff as possible in plastic totes and plan as many meals as possible using foods that don’t require refrigeration. Make sure everyone has his or her own flashlight and take a few candles in unbreakable containers for your table. Don’t forget the insect repellant, and this is the time to buy bottled water and disposable plates and utensils. Some of our favorite camping meals are baked beans in a dutch oven with hotdogs cooked over the campfire; chicken leg quarters over an open fire with baked potatoes; polish sausage, onions, peppers, and potatoes in the Dutch oven; and pancakes and sausage for breakfast. Have a great time!

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