Washington D.C.

I was invited to Alexandria, Virginia to do a Grocery Shrink presentation for the MOPS group there.  And since the hostess also invited my entire family to stay for the week at her house and tour Washinton D.C., we jumped at the chance.  It was a fantastic week and I feel so refreshed!  While we were out there I was able to visit IKEA for the first time and bring home a trunk full of home organizational furniture and accessories.  As soon as my feet hit home soil I started building IKEA furniture, getting rid of stuff and organizing what I've kept.  It was long overdue.


Alexandria had a park everywhere you turned around.  Laura (the hostess) and I had a great time getting up early and walking on the trails.  Flowers and trees were blooming everywhere.

Here are a couple of photos from our trip.  I highly recommend that destintation to you.  Most of the museums and sites to visit are free.  We did pay to see the Spy museum (at least Darren and the 2 older kiddoes went while I did my presentation.)  And we paid to go to Mt. Vernon, which was totally worth it.

Washinton dc 029

Historic Homes in Alexandria near the Potomac River

Washinton dc 009
Potomac River. It was a gorgeous day!


Washinton dc 071
Darren and 3 of the kids riding the Metro.  The Metro was safe, prompt, clean and full of freindly people.

Washinton dc 099 
Super Dad!

Washinton dc 143
Hands on Music Science Lab at the Smithsonian

Washinton dc 232
The Washington Monument and reflection pool with the Capital behind as seen from the Lincoln Memorial.

Washinton dc 353

  Reinactor in front of Mt. Vernon

Washinton dc 406
One of Mt. Vernon's Vegetable Gardens

Washinton dc 414
Chatting with Martha Washington

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4 thoughts on “Washington D.C.

  1. Lisa says:

    In your email there was a lady asking for a natural cleaner for soup scrum. I make a scouring powder with Baking soda, borax and washing soda. Works great on tubs, sinks and countertops.
    Another great natural degreaser is water, vinegar, borax, baking soda, and tea tree oil and adding whatever essential oils you like for fragrence.
    Both work great and are very inexpensive to make!

  2. Amy says:

    Lisa: Could you please send me the 2 recipes that you use? Thank you!
    Amy C.

  3. Marcia says:

    Ah, Alexandria. My hubby and I were in the Navy stationed in Arlington in the 90’s. It’s how we met. I lived in Arligton, he lived in Alexandria. It brings back good memories. I really loved Old town, and we went on many a bike ride along the river bike bath.

  4. merideth says:

    just clicked over from knockoffwood. i SO want (and need) to learn to be you! šŸ™‚
    also, question for lisa above: what is washing soda? thanks!

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