Trash to Treasure

Our new house had a lot of junk in it from the previous owners.  One of those items was this greeting card holder (among other storefront furniture pieces.)

It was covered in 40 year old masking tape and other goo.  So I spent a few hours on Saturday with a razor blade and a can of WD-40.  Then I spray painted it Charcoal.  It now has a new home in the boy’s bedroom.

It doesn’t hold as many books as I’d like, but the boy’s were sure excited to see all the covers!  I figure I can trade all the books out for new ones every few weeks.  Though past experience tells me that trading time comes around faster than I’m ready to deal with it, lol.


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2 thoughts on “Trash to Treasure

  1. Joquena says:

    I rotate my kids media and toys… too much out is guaranteed chaos and I don’t want to have to nag at them to “Pick up all this junk!”

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