Plexus Giveaway

Have you been hearing about an amazing pink drink?  I was curious about the reports of energy, weight loss and better sleep from those taking it, so when Laurell offered me a trial week’s supply in exchange for a review, I was pumped.

When she gave me the sample I was in a downward health spiral into adrenal fatigue from stress.  I volunteered for too much this summer right after a very stressful school year.  My body just couldn’t handle it.  I gained 6 pounds in 10 days at the height of the problem.  I was so exhausted I spent 18-20 hours a day in bed and was constantly sick.


I started taking the drink and the accelerator the week I taught music at Bible school.  I was expecting it to be like a protein shake, but it isn’t at all.  It’s more like a Crystal light packet that you pour into a bottle of water, except it is sweetened with stevia and colored with beet juice, nothing artificial.  It tasted fabulous like pomegranate juice and had a slight aftertaste of chocolate.

The first day, I didn’t notice much.  The second day, I noticed a significant decrease in my morning appetite.  The Bible school staff brought me MM trail mix for snacks, and I didn’t care much about it.  That was a definite change in normal behavior.  My afternoon appetite was still pretty strong and I felt like a second pink drink would have helped with that.  The company does say it’s ok to take a second drink then if you need it.

I finished the whole week sample without any weight loss to report.  That’s not abnormal since it can take more than one week to see results, and my body was fighting a major system error that was blocking weight loss anyway.  It is going to have to heal before it will be willing to let go of fat.

BUT the next week after taking Plexus I went outside with a chainsaw and cleared a forest out of the last 20 feet of my backyard.

From this:

Backyard before

To this:

Clearing brush

That was significant.

Would you like to try it for a week yourself?  Laurell is giving that opportunity away to one lucky reader.  You can enter through rafflecopter below.  If you are too excited to wait on the 7 day trial, you can Sign up as a preferred customer here and order the plexus slim. Then you will be entered into an extra giveaway to win a month supply of plexus boost or accelerator to accompany it.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Here’s Laurell’s personal story.

Ogle family

This is my Plexus story – I’m going to step WAY outside my comfort zone and share about how I’m feeling. It’s not really my cup of tea but here it goes… I got stuck, I lost the baby weight and stopped losing weight. I added in some awesome workouts and tracked my food and still nothing, the scale would not budge more than 3 lbs one way or another. To be honest, it’s been this way forever. I weighed this after getting married, before getting pregnant with baby #1, lost all that baby weight (55lbs) but got stuck at this weight, repeated that process with baby #2 and stayed stuck at this weight. I also felt constantly tired and irritable and kind of sad – I chalked that up to having a baby who got up 6+ times a night and a mommy who never got a full night’s sleep but once 9 months hit, that sweet little boy started sleeping through the night but this mommy didn’t feel any better. So I drank more coffee and still felt exhausted and then I read an article on The Better Mom called “I don’t want to be an angry mom, so I threw away my coffee pot”, so for no real good reason other than I read an article about a mom that threw away her coffee pot.

Fast forward a couple weeks, a friend from High School posted on her facebook about Plexus, it wasn’t a meal replacement or a miracle pill (I don’t believe it those anyways), it was a drink that helped stabilize blood sugar levels, helped decrease sugar cravings, and helped people have more energy and lose weight, so I thought sign me up!! Okay, so not really – I was actually very skeptical, we had really changed our diet over the past year and I did not want to go back to artificial fake stuff so I did a little reading on it because I felt like I was at a point of desperation with feeling stuck and I read literally hundreds of personal experiences, read some independent studies, went through the ingredient list and thought so what do I have to lose? And I decided I’m going to make my husband take it with me and give it a try (I made my husband take it because I read a handful of testimonies where it helped people with pain and inflammation – He will come home at night from a 12 hour shift and be limping from wearing 30 lbs of gear on his waist and his knee and joints will hurt) so we decided to take plexus slim and the accelerator (to speed up weight loss) and in two weeks, I was down about 6 lbs, which is amazing because I had been stuck here for almost 6 months with no scale changes! So to see those numbers on the scale move was huge! But – bigger than that is the way I feel. I can’t even put it into words but I felt like a new person (and a better mom). My biggest testimony to plexus is that I feel like myself again, happy, healthy, and full of energy. I’m even sleeping better at night and waking up refreshed in the morning and feeling fantastic. But my favorite part of all of this was that husband’s chronic pain was significantly reduced within 3 days. In all seriousness, three days into drinking plexus – he said, “I don’t hurt at the end of my shifts”. This is a guy that was in constant pain that pain relievers, ice and oils didn’t help much (and I LOVE my essential oils) I have NEVER seen anything work like this for him before.

So this is me being real – I wanted to share because it has literally made me feel like a new person. And I’ll say it again, I don’t believe in a “skinny pill” and I believe that health and weight loss are achieved through a healthy lifestyle including good food, exercise and…now plexus. And I am excited about it, just plain excited because we are real testimonies to how Plexus has helped us feel better!


*Plexus update – So here is another BIG step outside my comfort zone! Not a big fan of personal pictures but here is the difference in me from April to June…I’ve lost pounds and inches but some the most important things are what you can’t see on the outside which is that I feel amazing! I have lots of energy with no crash! I’m getting up in the mornings to work out and sleeping better than I have in years! I don’t have these crazy sugar cravings anymore, the awful “mommy brain” or brain fog I used to get is so much better and for the first time in forever I have clear skin (and that’s what happens when you get your gut healthy) I am loving this journey I’m on!

What is Plexus Slim?

Plexus Slim is a drink mix that was originally designed to help people with diabetes regulate their blood sugar. When it was originally being tested it was noted that all the subjects also lost weight and had significant improvements in other areas of health. The pink powdered drink mix comes in individual serving packages. You mix it in a glass or bottle of water, drink it once a day and that’s it! This is something that can be a snowball to good health. There are no stimulants or addictive factors in Slim.


What does Plexus Slim do?

Plexus Slim is the most natural, healthy solution to help you lose weight and inches by burning fat, no muscle. Slim also helps keep blood sugar, cholesterol and lipids at healthy levels. In addition, Slim helps reduce binge eating and increases your willpower over food. Simply pour into a bottle of water 30 minutes before a meal, drink, and enjoy the results!


Who have I observed that seems to benefit the most from Plexus Slim?

*Those with blood sugar control problems (diabetics and pre-diabetics)

*Attention/focus problems

*Those with fatigue (very connected to blood sugar balance)

*Folks who want to lose weight

*People with low energy

*Anyone with inflammation issues

*Ladies with low thyroid issues

*People who want help with cholesterol and blood pressure issues


What is in Plexus Slim?

Proprietary health blend consisting of: Chlorogenic Acid (plant extract), Citrin K (Garcinia Cambodia), Alpha Lipoic Acid, Chromium (Amino Nicotinate GTF), Polydextrose, Citric Acid, Natural Flavors (pomegranate), Beet Root and Grape Skin Extract, Stevia Extract, Lo Han Extract.

Plexus Slim has no added caffeine and other stimulants.


60 day money back guarantee! So, you have nothing to lose by trying 2 months’ supply of Slim. On the other hand, you have everything to gain! You and YOUR health are worth it! Just visit my website to order. In addition, Plexus offers a few other products to promote good health. You can learn more on my website. Feel free to call, email, or text me with any questions! I am here to help you improve your health.

Laurell Ogle

Independent Plexus Ambassador #264707






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47 thoughts on “Plexus Giveaway

  1. Janelle G says:

    I have never heard of Plexus but I would love to give it a try. I struggle with low energy and am trying to stay away from the coffee pot, plus I wouldn’t mind losing the last bit of baby weight 🙂

  2. Rebecca says:

    I’ve been hearing lots about this, but like you Angela, when I tried it for 3 weeks I had some other major health problems going on. I’d like to have my husband try it for his joint pain, so I’m entering the giveaway!

    • Angela says:

      Yay, Rebecca. I’m glad you are entering! I’ve been researching turmeric for inflammation and am seeing some promising things. I got a nice size pouch of it at Nature’s Pantry for $3 and am now trying to figure out how to take it. The Singing Canary didn’t sit well with my tummy and I’m thinking something warm might be better for the coconut oil anyway…..If he’ll drink it, the results for joint pain are often the same day.

  3. Nicole Cotts says:

    Definitely at a place of stuck-ness even with THM and daily HIIT workouts. Luckily my energy levels are good, but I’d love to see what all the talk is about with Plexus!

    • Angela says:

      Nicole, I wonder if your body has adapted to your super healthy lifestyle and is going to need a push to reach the next level? Good luck with the giveaway.

  4. Meredith says:

    Since my “baby” is now 6 years old, I can’t claim to need to lose baby weight anymore. But, I am a stress eater and after losing all of the baby weight, I have since gained 15 pounds that I would love to lose. More energy would be a huge help too. I’d love to win the giveaway. Sounds interesting.

    • Angela says:

      Meredith at my calculations your baby is only 72 months old. Still sounds like baby weight to me, lol. Good luck with the giveaway!

  5. julie marie says:

    I would love to try this. My metabolism has slowed down and I do not have a lot of energy. I never have had a problem with weight gain until in recent years. So I need some help. Hope I win. Thanks

  6. Andrea Trudeau says:

    I have never heard of it but would love to try. I need better sleep and more energy at this start of the homeschool year!

  7. Tara H says:

    I gave a friend who recently started selling Plexus. I’ve heard great things about it from her but it’s expensive so we haven’t tried it yet.

  8. Crystal Haber says:

    I’ve tried everything. I am tired and unenergetic. We homeschool and will be starting in a week. I feel so tired and need a boost. AND I am losing hope about losing weight. Everything I’ve tried is , I’m failing at. I need help. Lol.

    • Angela says:

      Crystal, I hope you find the solution soon. You might consider having your doc order a blood panel. Sometimes it’s as simple as a vitamin deficiency and sometimes not. I was expecting that when I requested a blood test and was surprised to find adrenal fatigue instead.

  9. Michelle N says:

    I have never tried Plexus but I always need more energy. My thyroid is weak and extra vitamins can only help!! Thanks for the chance to win.

  10. Shawn M says:

    I’ve never tried Plexus, I have known a few people who tried it, but no one who used it consistently enough to judge. I have RA and it really leaves me wiped. I could seriously use more energy to keep up with my youngest (7); I’m 48 with 3 grown sons too.

    • Angela says:

      Shawn, I’m sorry you have RA, that has to be tough. Good luck on the giveaway. In the meantime, you might research Turmeric tea and how it might help with your comfort level.

  11. starla says:

    Definitely want to try it. Sounds like a winner to me. Especially if the after taste is chocolate. Can’t beat that with a stick. Besides, with three children under age 5, my youngest is 4 months, I could use all the energy I can get!

  12. Kristen @ The Smith says:

    I keep hearing about “the pink stuff” but haven’t tried it – I am still trying to get rid of some lingering baby weight and stress at work is making that very difficult, sounds like I need to give this stuff a try!

  13. Kim says:

    I had not heard of Plexus either. It sounds awesome! I suffer from low blood sugar, I will feel fine and then it will drop quickly, so I have to try to eat before this happens, which doesn’t always work. I would love to try Plexus and feel better! Thank you for this offer!

  14. Colleen says:

    I’d like to give this a try. I stopped drinking diet cola two weeks ago, and miss the energy boost from the caffeine. Maybe this would be a healthier alternative.

  15. Carla D. says:

    No, I do not have any experience with Plexus. I always used to enter giveaways to win some but never won so gave up on it.

  16. Nadia Sheppard says:

    I have lost 108 lbs in the last year and a half and have about 40 more to go. Alas, I am at a standstill. Would love a kickstart!

    • Angela says:

      Nadia! 108 lbs is awesome! So proud of you. It’s like you lost a whole person. I’d love to know if this product would give you the extra boost you need to got to the next level.

  17. Lucy says:

    I would like to boost my energy. I always have to take a midday nap to continue the rest of my day. I do feel joint pain in my hands and would like to see for myself if Plexus will help.

  18. Carrie says:

    I’m intrigued. There are so many products like this out there these days–it’s like the world is health crazy and forever looking for the magic drink to solve all ills, energy, and weight loss. I wonder what makes this one different from all the other energy, protein, weight loss, etc. beverages through the countless healthcare product social/multi-level marketing available.

  19. Angela P. says:

    I have never tried plexus but would love to. I’m desperately trying to lose the last 15bs of baby weight leftover from 2 pregnancies.

  20. lisa kay says:

    I have never tried this product but have heard Great things about it!
    I have been recommended by many people to try it! Now is my chance!

  21. Renee Webster says:

    I would love to win this! I have heard about it from a couple friends, one of which sent me a one day sample! It is delicious! I can’t afford it, but know my health would benefit from it. So I would love to do a one week trial.

  22. Cyndi Countess says:

    I just signed up with plexus, not for myself but for my daughter. She has terrible allergies and after only a week on the triplex plus x-factor vitamins she is off allergy meds. YEAH!
    She is 12, so I thoroughly checked ingredients. Their is nothing synthetic in this stuff. It actually heals your body from the inside. I love this testimony and the pics! You look great. Just wanted to recommend for people with allergies. My daughter can now hold her cat after only 3 weeks on the product. Before she would have been sneezing, itching eyes, and runny nose. We are rejoicing for our daughter. Blessings Ladys!

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