My Personal Fit Yummy Mummy Challenge Results

I just posted this over at Club FYM and wanted to share my joy with my Grocery Shrink friends.  I wrote in an earlier post about how I discovered Fit Yummy Mummy and how it’s changed my life.  The last 12 weeks was the FYM Fall Transformation Challenge that I participated in.  As an exclusively breastfeeding mom, I doubted my ability to make quick changes in my appearance.  But I stuck to Holly’s basic program and lost an average of a pound a week.  I still have 20 lbs of excess fat to lose and a lot of muscle to build and should reach my final goals in March.  What I’ve experienced gives me hope that I will reach those goals if I keep living the FYM lifestyle.  Planning and Consistency is the Key to Where I Want to Be.

Here’s my final entry for the challenge:


Mom to six ages 11, 10, 8, 6, 4 and 6 months
Height 5’6”
Weight 157.6..145.4       -12.2 lbs
Size 12…8 -2 sizes
Bust 40…38         -2 inches
Waist 34…32.5       -1.5 inches
Mommy Belly 40.5….34.5    -6 inches!!!!!
Hip 40.5….38.5       -2 inches
Thigh 23 7/8…..22       -2 inches

Total 12.2 lbs and 13.5 inches lost   

I’m a different person than I was 12 weeks ago. Not just smaller, but stronger inside and out. Emotionally I dealt with being a 7 year veteran homeschooler and putting 2 of my kids in Christian school. The transition was heart wrenching but has been good for our family. We also had the stress of inviting a reality TV crew into our home for 2 days. That 2 days of filming required 4 weeks of prep—cleaning out the spaces that get little attention and no one ever sees. Holly’s program is so perfect, because it only requires 15 extra minutes a day. I can do that even amongst the stress.

The FTC took place over 6 birthdays in our family (including mine) and I learned how to remove sweets from my definition of celebration. Saturday night before the end of the challenge, my oldest daughter scored her first goal in soccer. My dad took us all out to IHOP to celebrate. I was really worried about it, but ordered the spinach omelette with fresh fruit and was able to enjoy the moment with everyone without sacrificing my goals. I had an aha moment:

No matter where I go, there is a positive choice in the options. And when I make that good choice, it FEELS better than anything sweet can taste.

I could enjoy watching the others eat mounds of whipped cream over fluffy white flour pancakes with 6 different syrup choices, and it was okay, because I am reaching for something that is bigger than the moment.

My youngest baby is 6 months old and this is the smallest I have ever been with a 6 month baby. Even though it is my 6th baby! Before FYM I had some thoughts whether it was ever possible to have a trim figure with 6 babies and 35 years old. It is possible!

I feel so strong. When I move, my back is straight and I can feel the muscles in my posture. My legs are strong and powerful. I can run the stairs in my home doing chores and not get winded. I’m so excited because I will only get stronger, yet I will weigh less. It’s like putting a huge engine in a little red sports car. I can MOVE!

Losing weight has always been a battle for me. I had childhood onset obesity and currently weigh 3 pounds less than I did when I was 12 years old. My daughter is almost 12 and when I shared that with her today as she helped me with my photos—her jaw dropped. I’m so thankful she has lived an active healthy childhood and not dealt with the emotions of childhood obesity. Genetics and my past don’t matter as much as my NOW habits. I can have a better body than I did when I was 12—even after 6 babies.

My goals this challenge:
1. To Lose 12 lbs—Met!!!
2. To be able to do real push-ups (I can do 6!)
3. To balance my posture so my shoulders are level—Yes!
4. Consistently Plan My Meals—I would go with spurts on this one. For several days in a row I’d plan it all out, and then for a few days I’d record what I would eat instead. While I prefer planning ahead, both methods worked well for me. I’ve been used to eating 6 small meals a day for several years so the biggest change was upping the produce and decreasing the bread.
5. Do my exercising first thing in the morning for a metabolism boost all day. I did great with this one until the early morning crazies got to me. If I didn’t get it done first thing in the morning, I did it before lunch. Still a huge improvement.

The biggest dare I took, was doing my exercises no matter what. Which meant sometimes I was the only mom jogging around the soccer field at 8am on a Saturday morning. I had to get past the fear that people would look at me and think I was weird.

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15 thoughts on “My Personal Fit Yummy Mummy Challenge Results

  1. Erin says:

    Congratulations! It’s so satisfying to have a fitness goal and to work for it and to achieve it. (I lost 25 lbs through diet and exercise just before I got pregnant, and I was so proud of myself for being able to do pushups and dips!) Keep up the good work!

  2. Andrea says:

    Woo Hoo! Congratulations! Thanks so much for sharing this with us. As always, you inspire me to go further! Andrea in NH

  3. Stacy Makes Cents says:

    Angela, you look FABULOUS!!!! 🙂 Congratulations to you! I’m still trying to figure out how to fit in exercise with my 2 year old. She gets up SUPER early and won’t cooperate if I want to exercise…..and I usually use her nap time to blog. 🙂
    You have much to celebrate!

  4. Rebecca says:

    This is def. something I”ll look into after my baby is born in January. I only gained around 20 lbs with my first 2 and have already gained that much with my 3rd and I have 12 more weeks to go. And I started out 10 lbs. heavier with this pregnancy, so I’ll be ready to do something for sure to get back down to a reasonable weight. you look great! congrats!

  5. TiAnna Mae says:

    Congratulations to you, Angela! You are looking good! I’ve lost 4 lbs in 2 weeks, and I have 20 more to go! I’m finding that drinking my water is helping the process to go faster.

  6. Jessica says:

    Way to go! Not just on the progress, but on your boldness with sharing. Because you did this, I signed up for FYM 3 weeks ago. I love it! I told Holly you recommended her program, and she agreed that you were doing fabulously! Thanks for your blog, your products, your saltiness and lightness! 🙂

  7. Kristin says:

    What a great story, Angela. Thank you so much for sharing. I know it is not easy to post pictures, but you look great! It is so inspiring to see what you accomplish. You are a great role model. Best, Kristin

  8. lisa says:

    I begin my weight loss last week. Sore, but it was worth it. Did not work out last morning but worked in yard. But this morning I drug myself up and it was worth it. Even got a chance to watch the Duggars on tv during my work out. …not so good news… I ate a left over fudge from our trip to Fredricksburg…good news. It was only 2 oz. Actually I felt pretty good about it and it was a nice pick me up for the afternoon. (guess I needed it after all) Tonight will be balance…. and will more than likely skip dinner because I am just not hungry. If I am I will have some pumpkin hot tea instead with yes just a little non dairy cream unsweetened. I am sleeping better at night too!!
    bulk herb store… tell them lisa sent ya! ;o)

  9. Amy Jo Trager says:

    WOW! I’m so impressed! Thanks for sharing your story. I have that “Mommy tummy” just like your before picture, so this is really inspiring to me. I’ll be checking out the Fit Yummy Mummy site for more information. I figure if you can fit in exercise into your life, I really should be able to also.

  10. Deborah McDowell says:

    AWESOME!!! WAY TO GO!!! You have inspired me again. I lost a LOT of weight after my first child with a LOT of hard work. Now I’ve had baby 3 and need to do it again. Yes, it is possible with hard work and a stick to it attitude. You did an awesome job!!!

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