Making Spelling Easier with SpellQuizzer Giveaway!

*Congratulations to Margaret Mills our giveaway winner!*

The drawing for this giveaway will take place October 10th.  You still have time to get your entry in!

I use Spell to Write and Read with my children for phonics and spelling.  I love the program a lot!  But it takes a lot of time for me to teach, espcially since I choose to give 3 spelling quizzes every day.  With the help of a little inexpensive program called SpellQuizzer, I have cut my active teaching time by an hour a day!  This program is useful whether you are a homeschooler or helping your traditionally schooled child study for their weekly test.

SpellQuizzer is a spelling program that helps kids learn their spelling and vocabulary words. It is extremely user friendly and allows me to quickly type the list of words and record a sentence for each word to prompt the children to type.  If my children need to review words from a previous list, I can create a special list just for them by grabbing words from a data base of all previously recorded words.  There is no rerecording required!  I love that I can create the lists in a fraction of the time it sould take me to actually give the test to a child.  Once a list is recorded it is available for me to use with the younger chidren when they reach that stage.

When the child uses the program, they hear the word, a sentence using the word and the word again.  They type the word and hit enter.  If the word is correct they get the next word.  If the word is incorrect, they are shown the correct spelling.  At the end of the list, the child is given the chance to try again on the missed words. 

In addition, the SpellQuizzer web site has pre-made downloadable spelling lists that you can download and use with SpellQuizzer.   You can export and share lists with other SpellQuizzer users to share the work load. 

My children are really enjoying using SpellQuizzer. It gives their handwriting a little break, and It’s fun to hear mom’s voice on the computer.  To make it even more fun, I can customize the sentences to be funny or special to the child.  This is a no frills basic program (no fluffy bunnies or dancing clowns to distract your child) that really works.

Since this program is so awsome, I’m giving a copy away to a lucky reader! To enter to win the giveaway, leave a comment and tell us which spelling program you use.

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33 thoughts on “Making Spelling Easier with SpellQuizzer Giveaway!

  1. Andrea in NH says:

    Hi Angela, This sound interesting. I used Spell to Write and Read for the past four years. However, this year, I gave it up, sadly. It just took WAY too long a day, up to two hours. So, I am trying Spelling Power. However, much of it is rubbing my “Spell to Write and Read” heart the wrong way. Maybe this tool would help me cut down on some of that time. Plus the kids LOVE to be on the computer. I could use it like a reward! Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

  2. Tara Shannon says:

    I haven’t used a spelling program. Right now, my 3rd grade daughter brings home a weekly list and I quiz her verbally. Both she and her younger brother are very good on the computer and I think it would be great for them to practice spelling. I think it is neat that you can throw in words from previous quizzes, that way they never forget how to spell a word.

  3. Coleen says:

    We have tried several different programs, but I usually end up making our own lists. This looks like it would be great for us!

  4. Amy says:

    My daughter is not old enough for spelling quizes. But at the age of 3, she is showing interest in learning simple words like cat, fat, sat, etc….so I may start early!

  5. Margaret Mills says:

    I have always loved spelling. My oldest daughter is in 1st. grade and she is doing good in spelling. I’ve been just quizzing her verbally. But she loves to play on the computer (and so does my oldest son who’s in Kindergarten.) So I think this would be a neat thing to have!

  6. Stephanie says:

    This sounds interesting. I just started homeschooling my third grader and kindergartener this September. So far I’ve been printing spelling lists from the internet. This sounds much less random!

  7. MarDee says:

    We have four children at home and this would help with the spelling homework. Seems this is the big fight at our house. what other tips does every use to get their children interested in spelling? This software program sounds great.

  8. Wendy says:

    My first grader could really use this program. She is struggling to do things fast enough and I know she just needs to practice. Thanks for your blog!

  9. Tammy says:

    We’d love to be entered into your drawing. We have 2 children that could really use this. We are using Spelling Power right now, and it’s not working for our family. šŸ™

  10. Elizabet says:

    WOW! This sounds wonderful! Right now we just do it the old fashioned way…paper and pencil! I wish I had this when I was in school! Thanks for your blog! I love reading it!

  11. Danyelle Ferguson says:

    We’ve tried several spelling programs at school. Some have worked great with a few of my kids, while another child is still struggling with spelling. This would be an excellent tool to try!

  12. Pamela Stuck says:

    We have tried All About Spelling, but dd’s level of frustration was so high last year that I’ve given her a reprieve until after Christmas. I’m hoping with all the copywork we do that she will at least be picking up something!

  13. Kym says:

    I am not sure if this is open to international entries but if it is here is mine šŸ™‚
    I use the old fashioned way of writing the list and practice and cover them up and try to see if they spell them correctly.

  14. Sabrina says:

    We just started using the McGuffey speller, but I’m not entirely sold on it. I’d love to try something new.

  15. Susan says:

    Hi Angela,
    We are using Christian Liberty Press workbooks right now but have used SWR in the past. I’d love to try this program!

  16. Erica says:

    My daughter is in a VoWac (Vowell Orientated Word Attack Course) Program at school. Both phonics and spelling are related and new rules are practiced in both. My daughter also has a severe language disability, and she has a hard time “hearing” differences in words and recalling words. Since we spend a lot of time working at these skills, I would love to try something new.

  17. Jenifer says:

    This sounds like so much fun! We have a list of top words used in each grade. I would like something different, and kids love computer time. God Bless.

  18. Karen says:

    We are supposed to be trying Spelling Power this year, but so far we haven’t added it into our daily routine šŸ™

  19. Angela Goff says:

    I have used the program Spell, Write and Read by Wanda Sanseri, for the past two years. My daughter does very well with this program. It is a phonics-based program. I am very excited to see an online program, such as SpellQuizzer, that is adaptable to the SWR program. I am looking forward to using a program that I can record my voice, so that my daughter hears my voice on the computer saying the phonics correctly. Thanks for sharing about SpellQuizzer!

  20. Kim Huck says:

    My youngest is in 4th grade and we have went through several ways to practice: Just typing them in a word document on the computer in a funky font or color – this also helps with their computer skills (we don’t print it); dry erase board; on a cookie sheet with flour, salt, sand, or shaving cream on it – then you just smooth out to write the next word.

  21. staci says:

    Love it! I don’t think I’ve seen this one before, My son loves to do computer “games” and thinks it’s playing but he’s really learning.

  22. Kim says:

    We use SWR also and Love it!!! I couldn’t choose anything else after reading Wanda Sanseri’s senate hearing speech.

  23. Melissa Naasko says:

    I homeschool the six oldest of my nine kids and I use Romalda Spalding’s “The Writing Road to Reading” which is also mommy-intensive. This sounds like a great program and I would LOVE to check it out!

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