Join me at Learnvest

Whew!  I had a few days of technical difficulties.  It started when my old computer crashed and the new one didn’t like my blog program.  My techy updated the blog and just like that–I can post again.  Hooray :).

Yesterday I was blessed to be a feature over at Learnvest.  You can read the article here.  You might be surprised to read there that we were guest “stars” on the new TLC reality TV series Extreme Cheapskates.  I didn’t mention it before for several reasons.    The producer kept me out of the loop about when it would air and made me promise not to talk about it until he said it was okay. The first I knew it had aired was when a sweet viewer sent me a note of  “I saw you…” I assumed I missed my chance to let you know so you could watch it.  But they keep playing that episode over and over and over.  In fact it aired again just yesterday, so I’m guessing, if you get TLC, it’s not to late to catch it.

As a disclaimer:  I don’t  have cable and have never seen the episode–Some people have loved it, my extended family was completely embarrassed by it; and one friend said, “Let me put it this way:  You looked pretty, but the show wasn’t.”  So whatever it is, just know that they can take little clips out of context and make the whole thing mean something different.  For example the clip on the show’s webpage shows my 4 year old son folding washcloths. One is all brown and he holds it up and says, “This one looks dirty.”  I said, “It’s fine.”  That washcloth was brown because it had been scorched in the microwave (huh?  long story) so I knew it was perfectly clean and fine to use…but the way they edited the clip it made me feel a little gross about the whole thing.

My biggest disappointment was that they didn’t mention this website at all on the show so most of the viewers will miss out on all the extra ideas and help they could get to save money.  But I have gotten several other media opportunities because of the show that will help to spread the word.

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14 thoughts on “Join me at Learnvest

  1. jenna olcott says:

    I googled Extreme Cheapskates and the second listing on the page was your video, it played through TLC web site and was a little over a minute. cool 🙂

  2. Liz Schwartz Faron via Facebook says:

    I understand why your extended family was embarassed. Not a good reflection of you and your family.

  3. Holley says:

    I watched the show and wondered why you hadn’t mentioned it. It didn’t paint you (or the other ‘cheapskates’ in the best light). One of my friends was talking about the scene you described and was kind of shocked, I told her I’d read your blog for over a year and that things aren’t always what they seem on TV. I found the editing kind of odd, like while your picking the wild edibles and they took the time to show you telling your kids not to step in dog poop? Really? Seemed like they could have spent it showing some more of your great advice. I hope you get good publicity from it, but I wasn’t impressed by the show. Not because of you, but the light it painted you and the others in. (PS you did look very nice on the show!!)

  4. April W. says:

    I’m sure your website will come up if people google your name. I hope you aren’t discouraged b/c I thought you did great. I like that you and your husband are a team. Even if the editing wasn’t honest, you were. In the end that’s what matters most. Hopefully, people will find this site and learn new ideas.

  5. richelle says:

    I loved it and I have been on your blog for a LONG time so I know what your talking about and I think they pick and chose what they think viewers want to see. I thought you did a very good job and do wish they would have given you more time to give more frugal ideas:)

  6. Laurie Peters via Facebook says:

    I saw the clip about reusable toilet paper, I thought it was great and you looked beautiful. I still haven’t started using cloth toilet paper but you have helped me save quite a bit of money on our grocery bill and with household cleaners.

  7. Noelle says:

    You know Angela, when you live like no one else, you seem weird to everyone else! I will take weird any day and be debt free, and free to focus on being a good, no great mother!! You inspired me to go back to all cooking from scratch and I am working diligently to bring my grocery bill way way down!! Kudos to you for your courage and willingness to “teach” us what you’ve learned!!! God Bless!!

  8. Rebecca N says:

    I follow LearnVest already and was so excited when I saw you mentioned there! Hopefully they’ll be a better influence in directing people to your site!

  9. Lauren says:


    I know what you mean by editing. A neighbor of our was on The Apprentice a couple of years ago and when we all watched the series together he explained that they edited out tons of stuff, in fact they made him look like an idiot and he is far from that I assure you. I haven’t seen the show but I am sure they wanted you to look weird, but we all know you’re not. Our neighbor actually received some h=job opportunities from being on the show so I guess it worked out. for the better. People that know you know who you are and that’s all you can hope for.

    Best of Luck,

    Lauren Bristow

  10. Rachell says:

    I watched the show and was sooooo excited to see you. I have been reading your blog for a while and reaping the benefits of your advice. With that said, I was not impressed with the show overall -much like most of what’s on television. I am, however, impressed with you and your families dedication to a frugal life. (Romans 8:28 comes to mind at the moment.) I wish you and your family well 🙂

  11. Cindy Redmond says:

    I have just found your website while searching for ‘how to freeze lambsquarters’. I am excited to explore everything you have to offer.

    Sorry to hear about your reality tv experience. I didn’t see it but I realize now that an episode that my sister saw must have been of you & your family- she had made some very critical comments about the episode.
    It’s a shame that programs, whether reality tv or news/current event, don’t use the opportunity to highlight & celebrate different lifestyles. Going in it may seem that’s their intent but rather, they’re using the program as a modern day freak show; editing to ridicule the participants and giving viewers an opportunity to gawk and pass judgement.

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