If you can’t stand the heat…

It’s warming up around here.  Today it’s supposed to be in the 90’s in Kansas City and yesterday it was almost that hot.  Our neighbors are opening up their pools and I’m starting to think of lovely warm weather meals like cold chicken salad in whole wheat pitas and fruit kabbos.

There’s nothing that heats up the heart of the home like cooking a big meal, but there are ways to minimize the heat while still getting a traditional meal on the table.  I’ll give a quick list of ideas and then take each one in more detail over the next few days.  Cooking to minimize heat, also minimizes energy and cost.  It’s a win-win!

1.  Use a slow cooker.  For even less heat in the house, plug in the slow cooker outside in a covered porch.

2.  Use an outdoor grill

3.  Use a fire pit

4.  Use a solar oven

5.  Use a reflector hot plate

6.  Prepare cold meals

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4 thoughts on “If you can’t stand the heat…

  1. Julie says:

    It is definitely hot here isn’t it? I got a propane grill for Mother’s Day, it obviously came at the right time. We will be grilling our meat and pairing that with cold salads during these hot days.

  2. Stacy Myers says:

    It’s hot really hot in Tennessee yet…..but we do eat a lot of cold meals during the summer. However, after only making cold soup one time I was told by my husband to never make cold soup again. Yes, I am still bitter. LOL 🙂

  3. Ruth says:

    I love to grill in the summer! Chicken, salmon, steak, veggies. I bought a grill pan a couple years ago and cook onions, mushrooms, zucchini, potatoes.. you name it! Keeps the house cool!

  4. Andrea says:

    OK! It is 45 degrees here in NH! It seems as though you all are speaking of a foreign country! Now where is my sweater……

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