Homemade Pita breads: Easier than you think!

Tammys pitaas Tammys filled pitas

Tammy of www.tammysrecipes.com has a fabulous recipe for 100% whole wheat pita pockets that are soft and yummy.  I actually followed the recipe exactly this time (a rare thing for me).  The 500 degree oven scared me, but I later found out it (along with the baking rack) is essential for getting the pocket to form inside. The pocket forms when the outer surfaces of the dough cook faster than the inside trapping air in between the 2 crusts.  The hot air expands creating a puff that deflates when cool, leaving the pocket.  To help the pocket form, roll the dough thin and make sure the surface stays smooth.

If you have a bread machine for dough, this recipe is even easier.  My Kitchen Aid bit the dust a month or so ago.  I received a bread machine for a wedding present 10+ years ago.  It has been mostly gathering dust, because I didn’t like square bread.  I dusted it off this week and found it works great for dough!  (I know… I’m behind) I have visions of bread machine pizza crust and dinner rolls dancing through my head.

These pockets would be the perfect addition to a car picnic.  Grab the pitas and some egg salad, tuna salad or chicken salad in a lidded container.  Throw it in a small cooler with a spoon and some napkins.  Instead of stopping for fast food, spoon the filling in the pitas and pass them around.

Here’s the direct link to the recipe: http://www.tammysrecipes.com/whole_wheat_pita_pockets While you are there, browse around.  There’s lots of great recipes.

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One thought on “Homemade Pita breads: Easier than you think!

  1. Misty says:

    Yum! I will definitely have to try this one =)
    PS: Save up your pennies for a Bosch mixer…it is TOTALLY worth it!

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