Heidi’s First Bread

I’m so proud of my daughter, I just have to boast a little.  Thinking about how far we’ve come puts tears in my eyes.  She is a super intelligent girl who is a 3-D genious.  She was making clothes for herself out of paper, tape and staples when she was 3 years old.  She made, shoes, gloves, dresses…you name it.  And they all fit.  You can imagine my surprise when school was very hard for her.  She struggled with anything that required close eye work and she made lots of reversals.  We shed a lot of tears together, until we found her eye doctor and vision therapy.  Thanks to her therapy, Spell to Write and Read, and my mom’s expert help, Heidi is reading very well!

Heid is 9 and got the notion last week to bake bread.  I was up to my eyeballs in custom sewing projects and finishing up a new sewing pattern.  I just didn’t have time to help her.  I handed her a recipe and wished her luck.  I explained what vital wheat gluten was from my sewing studio and helped her maneuver the oven door.  The rest was all her. 

The recipe called for a 4 stranded braid which mystified Heidi, so she did a 3 strand braid and made a cute little loaf with the 4th strand.  Way to be inventive, Heidi!

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 Heidi's first bread 014

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3 thoughts on “Heidi’s First Bread

  1. Tracee says:

    Wow!!! That is so fantastic! Way to go Heidi and way to go Angela for raising such an amazing girl! I hope my little ones are as excited to cook when they are her age 🙂

  2. Kate says:

    Way to go Heidi! It really looks great. I’m hoping to try my hand at breadmaking in September. I love the cute little loaf.

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