Goodbye Fritz

I had to make the hard choice today to give Fritz a new home.  Life is overwhelming right now and as much as I loved him, it was one area I could simplify.  He requires being sheared every 2 months and recently I’ve been putting it off too long until he gets matted all over.  He deserves better. 

I found out a good friend of mine bought a pair of English Angora rabbits for her farm and I offered her our German/Satin cross.  She agreed to take Fritz and gave him a lovely home amongst her other animals.  It was fun to find out that she loves to spin too.  And even has a big loom.

I expected the children to be sad.  Dub cried hardest of all.  But I didn’t expect me to be so sad.  I know it’s for the best, but I feel the loss just the same.  I know I can go and visit him if I need to…but it doesn’t feel better yet.  I thought tonight–“I should go and feed and water the rabbit and give him a love.”  Then I remembered he wasn’t there.  I thought I would feel relieved, but didn’t. 

I think I did the right thing.  Did I?  Time will heal.


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6 thoughts on “Goodbye Fritz

  1. Jessica says:

    Yes, you did. I know exactly how you feel! When Hannah came along, we made the decision to give our two bunnies better homes. It was really hard and I really do miss them sometimes, but I know that I could just not give them the love they needed. Sorry it’s so hard!

  2. Georgianna says:

    What made giving pets away so hard for me was the feeling that I wasn’t rising up to meet my responsibilities. It made me feel really bad about myself. Maybe that’s why you’re feeling sad. Maybe not. I don’t think you should though because you’re very hardworking and dedicated to your children and that is the most important thing.

  3. Christen says:

    I just found our sweet rabbit a new home too – she’s been gone for 6 weeks now. I was very sad but knew that she was better off – she wasn’t getting the attention she deserved at our house – we were just too busy. I mourned that little furball for weeks because I was the one taking care of her most of the time. My kids were fine in a couple of days. We found a home for our rabbit where we can visit her too and it helps my heart tremendously to see her thriving there. You will feel better soon and you did do the right thing – hang in there : )

  4. Angela says:

    Georgianna, As I’ve thought about why I feel sad, I think I wonder if Fritz will miss me. He started to treat me like his mama–tucking his head in under my arm when I hold him and running to meet me when I go out in the yard. But then I remind myself that animals don’t have the same emotions that humans have and their behavior is largely instict driven.

  5. liz says:

    it is never easy to make that decision. we had to do it twice. i felt like such a failure. but, honestly, they went to a better life (hopefully) than i was able to give at the time.

  6. Laura says:

    I’m in the process of having to find a home for a cat I rescued and I know it’s going to be extremely difficult for me:( See we’ve been living in my grandparents house since they died but we’re going to have to move out and rent somewhere for awhile so that we can eventually buy a house of our own. I’m pretty sure my best friend (who is a foster mom with a dog & cat rescue) is going to take him so I know he’ll have a good home…. it’s just he’s a VERY shy cat and even after 14 or so months there are still days I can’t get close to him BUT when he wants your attention, he WANTS your attention. I’m going to miss him alot but I have to do what’s best. My friend has lots of experience in dealing with cats that have been abused or are just shy and we have got to get where we can buy a house of our own. My grandparents is only a 2 bedroom and that was fine for me and my daughter but I got married last October and now have a step-daughter and them sharing rooms just isn’t happening! SOOO …. anyway I know it’s hard, but it shows how much you love them that you would rather them be well taken care of than keep them with you:)

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