Direct Sales Focus: Mary Kay

It’s no secret that I’m completely biased in the Direct Sales market, so I thought I’d start with a focus on the business I personally chose, though many other companies will follow.  If you click on the Mary Kay links, you will go to my personal website and I’m offering a 20% discount on any sales through the site March 23-30th.  To take advantage of the discount, order through the site but do not pay. I will send you a paypal invoice with the discounted total plus sales tax (but shipping is free.)

  I chose Mary Kay because:

1.  50% profit on all sales

2.  Excellent training

3.  Debt free company with a geat reputation and a Christian foundation

4.  I love the products and am a happy customer–my skin has never looked better!

5.  No sales quotas

6.  The products are consumable, so I get lots of reorders and even in a recession, cosmetics sell great.

Part of why I joined Mary Kay is my amazing director, Andrea Costley.  I asked her to share a few words with you about her journey in Mary Kay. Although her success is not typical or average, I believe anyone with the same drive and dedication that she has can achieve similar success.  Mary Kay has more of these success stories than most direct sales companies.

Here are just a few of her accomplishments:

Here’s what she has to say:
Hello all! Hope this finds you well. My name is Andrea Costley and I’m a pink cadillac Executive Director with Mary Kay Cosmetics. I have had the pleasure of working my Mary Kay successfullly for 9 years now and completely am in love with my life and what I do….Mary Kay has provided the opportunity for me to work from home as a single mom of 3 children- Weston who is heaven and passed away, Hope a 5 year old, and Brooklyn who is 6  months old with special needs.
Some tips to success are:
To go from Zero to Hero you have to have a 7 day focus – with 3 areas of your life in balance. The disciplined woman is the FREE woman and if you do not discipline yourself, someone else for the rest of your life. I would rather build a future and castles for myself and my children then for a boss or a big corporation where they control my future and advancement.
Mental – what do you do every morning, every week, etc that gets you in the right mindset for the day. I call this “pulling your trigger”….i.e. cup of coffee, morning workout before kids wake, prayer time and time in the Word, get up before 10am and shower and get your self ready in your million $ look
Mechanical – what do you know you need to do that is INCOME PRODUCING not time wasters….the good is the enemy of the best. Urgent things are seldom important and important things are seldom urgent. Figure out what those activities are and make sure you are focusing on the #’s of your business and tracking those #’s. A tracked # grows….so track track track and watch your #’s rise. Fcus on what you can control and what you cannot.
Momentum – What do you know that you do in your life or home that you personally don’t need to do and can delegate. The viturous woman in proverbs did not DO IT ALL and she was NOT SUPERWOMAN…she delegated and was very wise for it. Find out what YOUR definition of being a good mom is and LIVE OUT YOUR definition….not your mom’s, mother in law’s , etc….live out yours! Energy given to one thing is energy taken from another. If you say yes to something, you are saying no to something else. I love balance….balance does not mean equal / it means HARMONY. I BUY my balance. Unless it gets me closer to my FAITH, my FAMILY, or my career goals….I SIMPLY DO NOT DO IT. I.E. laundry – doesn’t make me happy I delegate it. Cleaning, etc….errandss…etc….I want QUALITY time with my kiddos and if I’m doign things that make me insane that I can’t stand….they get my “leftover” mommy attitude…and that’s not fair to them if I’m exhausted when I could be spending my time on my career to provide for them and our future and spend the other time with them and have fun!
So what can you focus on in the next 7 days that YOU CAN CONTROL IN THESE  3 areas…I callthem the 3 M’s of success in 7 days. Sometimes it’s what we are NOT doing in the next 7 days that is why we are NOT where we want to be in the next 7 day.
What you choose to do in your daily routine is the key to your success. That either scares you or thrills you….what’s it going to be? Procrastination and debt is the nuise that Satan would have around your neck to steal the joy from your life…’s your choice. Choose the road less traveled… what you don’t feel like doing when you don’t feel like doing it and you can have what you want for the rest of your life.
Andrea Costley
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5 thoughts on “Direct Sales Focus: Mary Kay

  1. Su Soutter says:

    just surfing around your blog. . .wow. . reading this interview is like drinking from a fire hose. . .so much in here. . .wow. . .so who do you get to do your laundry. . I want to hire that out too 🙂

  2. Ginny says:

    I love your website, I love all of the info about being frugal, debt free, and being a mother and wife. I must say I am a little disappointed that you would support “Direct Sales” or really, Multi-Level Marketing companies like Mary Kay etc. I did not had the same positive experiences with them. I would recommend visiting to get another point of view on the company.

  3. Tara says:

    Angela thanks for your site – also in regards to the comment about Pink Truth -in 2008 my ex husband posted stuff on that site about me while we were seperated and getting divorced.

    He claimed I was making less then $10,000 a year after taxes, was “Paying” for my cadillac, was working 70 + hours a week, had no relationship with my daughter and that it was Mary Kay that ruined our marriage.

    I was horrified that pages and pages of women “commented” with their support and prayers for him, my daughter, and me because I was a “crazy” MK convert.

    In reality he had been arrested on a domestic violence 3rd degree assult against me, I had a protection order put in place by the state, we were getting divorced and he was suing me for alimony in court because I was making over $70K. I had turned in my cadillac b/c he was stalking me and facing criminal charges. I never worked more then 40 hours a week in my business and only 20 outside my home (I had to show documentation to our CFI) and he was faces 5 counts of domestic violence charges. I even went to the District Attorney who said there was nothing I could do about the post. It makes me question the truth about many of the posts there. He is now in jail for 3 1/2 years and I am still in MK working towards my 6th free car. Hopefully no one is praying for him anymore 🙂 Thanks for being someone who doesn’t believe everything they read online is “fact”

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