A Yummy Green Smoothie

Yes, I’m drinking my smoothie from a Cottage Cheese carton.  All of our glasses are too small to hold an entire smoothie, so this was my solution ;p.

I found this recipe via pinterest and traveled to the blog to read more–aak and now I can’t find it!  I’ll update with the link as soon as I can.

Her recipe was pretty good, but I made a slight change to help it be colder and thicker.

1 small banana, sliced and frozen

1/2 cup skim milk

1/2 cup Greek yogurt

1 tablespoon peanut butter

4 cups fresh spinach

1/2 cup ice

Blend all until smooth.  Drink right away :).  This was the first green smoothie I had that I liked!  The banana and peanut butter covered the green taste really well. To save costs I bought my spinach in a huge bag from Costco.  It has 3 produce servings for the Fit Yummy Mummy Plan which really helps towards the 10 a day goal.

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5 thoughts on “A Yummy Green Smoothie

  1. Stephanie says:

    Is this fresh spinach? Or frozen? Or cooked? I’m a bit confused, because we don’t generally eat spinach, but if it’s a recipe that covers it, I would love to try it!

  2. Sinea says:

    This has to be the most unique smoothie recipe ever. I like all of the ingredients but, together? Not sure if I’m that brave. 🙂

  3. Angela says:

    Stephanie, I can’t taste the spinach at all in this. It’s a great way to get your green veggies in quickly. Debbie, thanks for finding that link. It’s a different site, but so many treasures there! I did find the original poster and it was Green Monster Spinach Smoothie by Iowa Girl Eats.

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