A few things: Living Room Update etc.

I know I’ve been quiet lately.  I’ve been enjoying SUMMER with a slower schedule and time with my kids.  Here are a few updates.

  1. The hardwood floor in our living room is all finished!  I don’t have baseboards up and I haven’t started on the built ins yet.  But I did move the furniture in place just like it would be with the built ins there.  I want to live with it a little bit before I got through the expense and work of the built ins buy just to make sure I like the arrangement.  So far I really do!  You’ll notice there’s a rug down. It’s the one I bought for Darren’s office.  We are a long ways away from being able to use it for his office and I may pick something else for him then, or move it down and pick something else for the living room.  I love the rug and right now it’s the most affordable option since we already own it ;).  Everything is centered on the room, but the angle I had to stand to take the picture makes it look wonky.

Living Room before 2


Living room during


Living Room afterConcept

(I’m rethinking the whole slip cover thing.  I’ll have to cut the back cushions off my sofa to make it work and it’s going to be a lot of work.  I still want to do it, just much later.)

2. I had a midlife crisis last week and bleached my hair patchwork orange. I don’t have pictures because it was too humiliating.  But it was mostly yellow with squares of orange and brown scattered through it.  My hair stylist’s son was having surgery that day so she couldn’t help me right away.  I wore hats everywhere, even to a wedding shower and denied all requests to take it off.  It was humiliating.  On phase one of the do over, she got rid of the orange and brown and I was GOLD blond all over.  It was horrifying.  The next day I was asked to lead the song service for the all area branch meeting.  I couldn’t say no because my hair was horrifying so I stood up there and sang away like there was nothing crazy on top of my head.  Three days later after multiple keratin and biotin treatments she added ash brown highlights and toned it all over.  We had to get pretty aggressive to get rid of the remaining brassiness and I was a little gray/purple for a few days.  It has settled down a little bit and now I’m REALLY blond, in a good way.  I no longer scream when I see a mirror, which is positive progress.

3. I have been healing up a lot over the last 2 months.  My hair has started to grow.  It has only been a week since the orange hair fiasco and I already have dark roots.  While dark roots aren’t pretty, I’m going to take it and love it since it’s another sign that my health is improving.  I started back to my Fit Yummy Mummy workout program, starting at the introductory level (the step before beginners….) and feel like I’m going to be able to finish this time.  While half my family is away at summer camp and my chores are reduced, I’ve been prepping foods to help with my goals.  I’ve made protein batter for pancakes and keep it in a jug in the fridge so I can cook a few fresh up in the mornings. I also froze protein shakes into popsicles molds.  It’s just almond milk and chocolate flavored protein powder, but having it in a popsicle slows down my eating process and is really fun. And I made a 4 serving recipe of Thai Chicken Salad and divided it into recycled Chic Fil A containers.

Thai Chicken Salad

If I make a family size recipe each time I cook something new, I can eat on it for awhile for no extra work.  When it’s that yummy I don’t mind eating leftovers.

4. My new washer and dryer have been in service for about a week and I love them!  They are HUGE.  One load in the new washer is worth 3 in my old one.  I used to do 3 loads a day and now I’m down to 1.  It’s the same amount of laundry but I can get through it in 1/3 of the time.


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7 thoughts on “A few things: Living Room Update etc.

  1. Jane Cummings says:

    Angela, the new living room is lovely already! What a wonderful change. Also, your hair looks very pretty. Your friendly, kind demeanor outshines any orange hair mishap! The blonde is very becoming.

  2. Shanna says:

    I feel your hair color woes. I normally dye my hair via boxes from Walgreens. I saved my spending money and ‘splurged’ on getting my hair dyed at a salaon and it looks horrible! It’s too dark. It looks worse than when I self dye. I’m wondering if anyone at work will ask me why my hair looks like Morticia Adams.

    • Angela says:

      Shanna, lol! Other people probably don’t notice as much as we do. At the church service I wanted to walk up to the mic and say, “I know my hair is horrifying and I apologize, but maybe we can just praise God together and not think about it.” And they would have probably thought, “I’m already not thinking about it.” Only my little cousin had the courage to tell me it was horrifying and we had a good laugh together.

  3. Aimee says:

    Can you freeze the protein pancakes if you were to make a big bunch on the weekend? I’m finding that I need to start eating more protein in the mornings, but I don’t have time to make breakfast, but re-heating something or toasting something might work.

  4. Anna says:

    Living room looks fabulous Angela sorry about your hair woes I am sure it looked better than you thought. I am curious on your slipcovers why you would have to cut cushions off? I think your living room looks great right now and I love the rug.

    • Angela says:

      Thanks, Anna. The back cushions pn the sofa are attached. I could throw an unfitted slip cover over it but it looks too sloppy that way for me to be happy with it long term.

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