Try a recipe from the new book

These sandwiches are so delicious it will taste like someone slaved all day, but they are so easy you are going to love it!  Beef roasts are on sale for $1.99 a lb this week and go for less occasionally.  So whether you grab one fresh or dig one out of your freezer, put these on the menu. You can click on the page from the book to see a larger view.


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3 thoughts on “Try a recipe from the new book

  1. Amy says:

    Great timing for me for this recipe! Thank you! Question, how do you know how much meat (like in this recipe) to cook for larger amounts of people like 20-25?

  2. Angela says:

    4 oz per person is considered a serving. I allow 1.5 servings per person because some people will come back for seconds. I hope that helps!

  3. Laura says:

    I tried this recipe, and it’s a hit! I used 2 lbs of stew meat and divided it into 10 portions. That’s about 3 oz per person, but it’s still plenty of meat.

    Thanks for a great recipe! My DH is slowly getting won over by the crock pot (he used to think it was a fire hazard to have it on all day), but I think I’m going to buy your cook book next time I get paid. He’s going to be amazed!! 🙂

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