Homemade Raspberry Ice Cream

My oldest son is working on his cooking badge in cub scouts and we are having a blast. He made easy raspberry icecream and it was such a treat! Light and fluffy, but lower in sugar and fat than traditional recipes. You’ll never guess it’s a healthy treat.

12 oz frozen raspberries, thawed (we are thinking cherries, strawberries or blueberries would work too.)
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1 cup plain lowfat yogurt
1 container cool whip, thawed (or 2 cups of homemade whipped cream)

Put the raspberries in a 2 quart bowl and smash with a potato masher. Sprinkle the sugar over the top and stir in. Stir in yogurt until it is evenly distributed. Fold in the whipped topping or whipped cream being careful not to smash the air out of it. Cover the bowl tightly and freeze for at least 4 hours before serving. No ice cream maker required! This makes 8–3/4 cup servings.

One serving (made with cool whip lite) is 101 calories; 3 g fat; 16.7 g carbs, and 2.4 g protein.

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