Just pushing a car down the highway…don’t mind me

Heidi's 16th Birthday

Friday night we threw a little skating party to help our oldest daughter turn 16.  It was so much fun to pick out the playlist for the event.  I’m keeping the list for when the skies have been too gray for too long.  How can you go wrong when Van Halen’s Jump; Ray Steven’s Mississippi Squirrel Revival; Piano Guys’ Cello Song; and Taio Cruz’s Dynamite all made the cut?  It was a great mix of all the things Heidi loves including a few bits of soundtrack from her favorite movies. Our only sadness was the private school held a basketball game that night so not many of her friends from her old school could come.  We had a lot of family and just enough friends to make it a lot of fun.  Here’s the best part–everyone gave skating a try, even the grandparents, which was unexpected and delightful.

Heidi's 16th birthday 2

The next day her youth group was going ice skating.  We picked up her friend, Brandon on the way and partway down the highway, ran out of gas.  This is my first experience with running out of gas.  We’ve only had this car a couple of months and I haven’t figured out all it’s quirks yet.  Our old car had about 20 miles to go when the warning light comes on.  This car has about 2.

I couldn’t coast to the left because that was a highway entrance ramp.  I couldn’t coast to the right, because there were 2 lanes of fast moving traffic over there.  I put on my hazard lights and thought for a bit.  I had successfully pushed my car up an icy driveway twice that week to get to school on time, and  I had two permitted drivers in the car…what could go wrong?

I told the kids my plan, moved Heidi into the driver’s seat and Brandon volunteered to help push.  We pushed that thing at least half a mile to Costco to buy gas, laughing all the way.  A really nice stranger jumped out of his car when he saw us and helped us push.  His wife drove past cheering us on :).   A 2nd stranger helped us the last few hundred feet when we were the most cold and tired.  That’s one for the memory books.

When I got to school this morning, one of my students said, “I saw you Saturday, pushing your car down the road.” Yep–that was me.

Have you ever run out of gas?  I hope not, but if you have I’d love to hear about it.

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13 thoughts on “Just pushing a car down the highway…don’t mind me

  1. Nicole says:

    Yep I have run out of gas!! It was the day I was running late for work and on the way, one of my kids choked on yellow raisins and then threw up. So I had to take her home and give her a bath and wash the car seat cover. Dropped the girls off at day care and ran out of gas on the way to work. Called my boss and he brought me some gas in a gas can and I drove to the nearest gas station. By the time Ingot there, it was time for lunch. I have never bought yellow raisins since.

  2. Angela says:

    I’ve run out of gas, too. In high heels. Thanks, guys who looked on but didn’t help. Thankfully, I was pretty close to the nearest gas station, so I didn’t have to push the car very far. But still…

  3. Justine says:

    I have not, but I was worried about it the other day. I actually stopped at the nearest gas station and put in $1 of gas, which I knew based on average MPG was enough to get me to Costco (though ironically not even enough to turn off the warning light) – where gas was $0.17/gallon cheaper and of course I had other items to purchase. Normally I probably would have risked it, but I had both boys (4yo and 2yo) with me, and am 8+ months pregnant, and it was the day before a “big (Southern) snow storm” so it was cold and cloudy. I had a brief moment of “what on Earth would I do if I ran out on the Interstate trying to get to Costco?” and instantly pulled over at the nearest gas station.

  4. Dayna says:

    Once when I was like 10 feet from the gas pump. Coasted right in! I’ve had lots of dead batteries and flat tires though.

    Glad you got there safe.

    • Angela says:

      Dayna, I had that in my mind as the best case scenario, but we didn’t quite make it, lol. I’ve only had 1 flat tire—not looking forward to that again. I once knew how to changne them myself but now I know how to call AAA.

  5. Dayna says:


    My last flat I pulled in to a used car dealer by happenstance. A sales man watched me change the tire and was so impressed that a woman did it. *big eye roll* The place where the tire was stored was stuck so it took some determination and it was like 10 degrees out. I got it done though. You figure things out when your responsible for the little lives in the car.

  6. Emily says:

    Angela, I used to run out of gas all the time – I was the WORST procrastinator of all, over getting gas in my car! But I’m doing much better now, thank you. 😉 One time, my boys and I were on our way to my work and we had to walk the last 6 blocks. The tow truck guy who came (after I got out of work) to pick up the car said I might have killed the fuel pump, but thankfully it wasn’t dead yet! Another time, I was leading my in-laws to a performance of a play that my husband was in. As we pulled into the theater parking, I realized I should’ve gotten gas before going out there – it was really, REALLY low. So I stalled afterwards, we got a ride home in his car, and we were able to go out the next day with a gas can and get it back home. 🙂 That was funny – they never knew what a dunderhead I was! When my Dad started ribbing me about carrying extra gas with me, I knew I had a problem. 🙂 Since then, I’ve tried very hard not to let it get that bad. Now that gas prices aren’t hovering around $4/gallon, it’s easier to justify spending the money.

    🙂 Emily

  7. Monique Burkes says:

    I haven’t run out of gas before. When 9/11 happened my mom and I ended up waiting in line for over an hour at the gas station to fill up. Then there was a gas shortage in South Carolina in 2008. The gas stations were limiting everyone to cash and were hiking up the gas prices. Since then I’ve pretty much stuck to 2 things: (1) Keeping enough cash in my car to get my to my next paycheck; and (2) Filling up my tank when I get around the 1/2 way mark. I’m not 100% perfect at either, but I do my best to try not to be in a situation in which I don’t have money to buy gas (broke) or where I can’t make it to the next gas station.

    I’m glad it worked out well, especially considering the weather.

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