Week 2 Day 3 Food Journal

Yesterday was crazy! I was gone most of the time. While I snapped a few pics, for santy’s sake, I’m going to skip it and start in with today.

Breakfast: Bran flakes, almond milk and strawberries.


Snack 1: Greek Yogurt choclate mousse made with stevia and half a pomagranate. I didn’t stir them together because the pom is so lovely I wanted to taste it in it’s pure form.



My brother-in-law is a master carpenter and is hanging my dining room trim today.


I love how it is shaping up! I’m off to the grocery store to stock up with some amazing preholiday sales.

Lunch: Apple, cranberry, sunflower seed Spinach salad. I found a packet of restaurant raspberry dressing, so used that. It is fat free and had a great ingredient list on the back that will help me make my own recipe.


I need to grab some red wine vinegar first, and bummer, I was JUST at the store. I’ll go back tomorrow though to get some one day specials and grab another round of good deals that were limited on the quantities they would let me buy.

I had some upsetting news this afternoon. Not something I want to talk about, but it definitely took my appetite away. The only thing I could do to cope was strap on my running shoes and hit the pavement. Heidi and Darren watched the kids for me so I could work things out. I would run hard and then take a break to walk and all of a sudden find myself running again. I couldn’t tell you how long ago I started running. My mind was racing, looking for solutions, praying. And when I got home I was completely spent and felt as good as if I had given into a long cry. So I skipped my afternooon and evening snacks.

Dinner was one taco with grass fed ground beef from Darren’s parents.


It was delicious!

Food Journal Week 2 Day 1

Combine a super busy schedule with not writing my food down and you get a total nutrition fail. But that is behind me now. šŸ™‚ The musical is over, soccer is soon to follow and we are carving out family time again.

Last night we started our November tradition of reading aloud Stories of the Pilgrims. I love this story and the kids do too! 15 pages a day will have us finish near Thanksgiving Day.

Pictures of the musical to follow later today. They are on my good camera and it’s dash to work time. For now, here’s my easy breakfast:

1 cup bran flakes, 1 Tbs sunflower seeds, 2Tbs craisins, 3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk


Snack 1: 1 cup mountain high lowfat plain yogurt with 1/4 cup peanut flour, 1 Tbs stevia and 1tsp homemade vanilla extract stirred in. Topped with 1 chopped gayla apple. And a dallop of whipped topping.


Right after the snack, I did the Fit Yummy Mummy workout of the month. November Tabatas A. I loved this one because there was no equipment involved and I could complete tthe whole thing. Yet it was still hard enough that my muscles felt super challenged.

Lunch: 2 cups each lettuce and spinach. 3 oz chicken breast, 2 Tbs craisins, 1 oz almonds and 2 Tbs raspberry viniagrette. I’m out of this dressing now and decided to try making my own so I can pronounce the ingredients. I’ll let you know how it goes.


I was still starving a little later so had 2 slices of winter wheat artisan bread with Neufchatel cheese and strawberry jam. Then regretted it. It put me way over on my calories for the day. A hot cup of peppermint tea would have been a better chaser.

Snack 2: 1 string cheese, 1/2 an apple, 1/2 cup black grapes and 1/2 oz almonds.

Dinner: 1 cup homemade lasagna soup with 100% whole grain noodles. 2 oz homemade bread from Healthy Bread in 5 minutes a day recipe.


Totals: 1843 calories, 233g carbs, 99g protein, 40g fiber. If I want to burn fat tonight, I will need to add my intervals in before bed. My day is busy enough tomorrow that it would be nice to get them out of the way now. I plan to run stairs for 15 minutes after doing homework with the first grader.

Grant likes Pomegranates


The first time we tasted a real pomegranate was 3 years ago. My MIL worked in a local food pantry and several cases of the fruit were donated. None of the underprivileged would take them–at least there, they preferred cakes, doughnuts, and prepackaged foods. And often left the fresh fruits and veggies to rot.

They were going to have to throw them away, so my MIL brought them to me, dozens of them.Ā  I had never seen one before and was shocked when I broke into it. It was like a cache of rubies! The gems were filled with the most delicious juice and a tiny seed that gave just the right amount of crunch.


I was hooked. But the fruit are expensive! We hadn’t had once since…Until today. Aldi had a sale and I bought just 1. I peeled it this morning and rubbed the little rubies free of their white membrane.

Grant was instantly by my side as if to say, “What lovely thing do you have there?” I gave him a taste expecting that to be the end of it. I thought the seeds would deter him.

But instead, he snatched the entire bowl for himself. He ate the whole thing cupping his baby hand around the spoon as he brought it to his mouth so none of the precious rubies would fall to the ground.

I’m glad he likes healthy food. I wish I bought 2 šŸ™‚