
I’ve had my hair long for years.  Darren prefers long hair and I do too.  But mine was damaged from too many highlights and too few trims.  Plus it’s thin and stringy when it gets very long. I rolled over it one too many times with my stability ball while doing some Fit Yummy Mummy exercises and was annoyed with the longness of it all.

So I whacked it off.  What I mean is I hired Susan Guthrie to whack it off.   I had intended to go blond, but I showed Susan so many photos off pinterest that it was a little confusing.  We decided that the next time I go in she could lighten it.  But for now, I love it. This was a big decision for me simply because I usually get my hair done in the shop once a year.  A dramatic change in color, means more maintenance, more time spent, and more money.  Darren said he’d work it out since he’s been curious how I’d look blond for awhile.

I’m glad to get some time before seeing it very blond.  I’ve always believed there was a little glamour to being blond and my business coach and fitness coach–have it. That’s them below.

Carrie and Holly

And then there’s my first business mentor ever–Andrea Whitcomb, my Mary Kay director who is a gorgeous blond too–and just as pretty inside as out.

Maybe because I admire these ladies so much that I don’t feel quite worthy of the blond.  But I’m getting enough gray that a little lightening helps to bring it out.

Any way, Here’s some before and after photos:

book day, granola 048


Weekend Garden Links

If you are starting seeds at home, it’s time!  I’m not, just so you don’t think I’m super awesome or anything.  I’m going to happily plunk down my money at the greenhouse for real plants–only after I get my rabbit fence up.

I had a very expensive garden fail last year when the cute little fluffies razed everything to the ground in the night.  So you can be sure not one seed will hit the ground until my rabbit fence is built.

I decided instead of fencing each bed individually, I’d like a fence around it all so once I’m inside the perimeter I can work freely.The plan is to buy 100 feet of 4 foot tall galvanized chicken wire.  Then bend the bottom foot of wire in an L shape like a foot for the fence to stand on.  We’ll bury that a few inches underground to discourage digging and then fasten the wire to fence posts every 3 feet.  Of course, there will need to be a gate.  I’m not sure how that will work out, but my farmer husband says not to worry.  He’s built many a fence, so I’ll let him take the lead here.

Below are some of the garden ideas I’ve loved from pinterest :).


A fun blogpost on how to involve kids in the process.

Source: via Angela on Pinterest


Grow potatoes in a chicken wire frame.

Source: via Angela on Pinterest

Concrete stained and stamped to look like wood.

Source: via Angela on Pinterest

Garden Bed Ideas

Source: via Angela on Pinterest

Stack pots for a cute  container garden.  I think this would be perfect for my front porch.  Maybe two?  And with plants that are shade friendly.

Source: via Angela on Pinterest

Pop bottle self waterer

Source: via Angela on Pinterest

How to grow ginger.

Source: via Angela on Pinterest

Long term root vegetable storage.

Source: Uploaded by user via Angela on Pinterest

Using cinnamon instead of root hormone.

Square foot seed planting guides (Darren will you make me a set –pretty pleas?)

Source: via Angela on Pinterest

Making a compost bin from chicken wire.  I think I’ll have some left from my rabbit fence!

Source: via Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Belle on Pinterest

Dangers of Blogging

Blogs:  Friend or Foe?  Blogging is popular these days.  For most, it’s a fun type of virtual scrapbook.  A way to record how the children are growing and family activities.  For a few it turns into a full time business!


I love to read blogs and find it brings out the best and worst in myself.  On the positive end it motivates me to try new things and opens up possibilities I never thought of. On the negative end, blog reading turns me into a self-critical; consumer driven; time wasting; ungrateful mess.

I see all their beautiful decorating, their amazing thrift store finds, and children activities and look around and feel pretty dissatisfied with my life.  It’s almost as bad as the HGTV syndrome–where a crew completes an entire makeover in 24 hours and I think my husband and I should be able to do the same. Only to get it half torn up in the same amount of time to emerge dusty and tired, irritated with each other, and not sure what to do next.

As a blogger the same good and evil is present.  I love looking back over the pictures of my children and trying new things.  But lately I’ve spent too much time comparing my blog to others–the amazing ones I like to read–like The Nester or Centsational Girl.  And to be honest the comparison has put me into a funk.  These ladies are amazing!  And my blog just isn’t in their league right now. (I know because I get about 100 spam comments per post and 3 or 4 real ones, lol.)

When I look at my blogroll list, there’s not a frugal living one on the list, unless it has to do with decorating.  Part of the reason why, is I’m afraid of the competition.  I just don’t have the self-confidence to face pure competition and smile.  I’ve also noticed that my frugal blogging peers are often funnels for posting good deals.  Sometimes it’s better not to know about something that’s on sale, so I won’t be tempted to buy something I don’t need–no matter how good a good deal it is.

To try to boost my blog into the same level as the ones I admire, I’ve been studying photography skills; new plugins; blog layouts; ways to go viral on pinterest etc.  And it’s taking a lot of time.  I bought a blog planner and spent  January planning out my year of posts.  I stopped enjoying blogging.   I avoided it because I hated it, only to feel guilty about avoiding it in return.  I wish I had a dollar for every time I thought about quitting altogether and just enjoy being a mother.  Then I’d have enough money to retire, lol.

But I know myself.  As much as I love being a mother and a good clean on my house, I love the social aspects of blogging and the self expression.  Our family has grown used to the income from selling ebooks and the menu plan.  Then, there’s the emails I get from women who say the books and menus have really helped them.  I get one of those notes and feel a renewed interest in the business part of things.   If I could just put my blinders on and not concern myself with page views; what my reader’s think or comparing myself to other bloggers and just enjoy.  Then I’d have the perfect blend.

What I’m trying to say, is I have a new determination to live in the REAL.  To spend time enjoying my family; to appreciate the talents of others without criticizing myself; to blog less often and when I do, to stay true to myself.  To show more appreciation to my advertisers without worrying that I might annoy my readers.  And to be okay with my amateur picture taking skills and even cell phone photos if that means more family time. I vow to conquer my fear of taking new steps in business.  To not let the voice of the rare mean person overshadow the encouraging words of the  majority.

You might not notice a difference in my blog at all, but I will.  🙂