Centsably Fit

I’ve started a new blog! I’m allowing myself this week to share some yummy fitness related recipes with you at groceryshrink.com and then I’m moving this kind of talk over to my new blog.  This will be where I share my food and exercise journal with the NYTC 2013 challenge.

What you can expect:  cell phone snapshots of my food right before I devour it, a brief description of my workouts and any muscle improvement or soreness, screen shots of my MyFitnessPal Journal, and measurement progress reports.

It launches on January 7th–the day the NYTC begins.  I’ve already posted my goals for the challenge, so pop over, check them out and get subscribed for email updates.

P.S.  I’ll still be updating Grocery Shrink regularly and have a year of posts mapped out for you here.

Is This Your Time?

Is there a fitness goal on your resolution list this year? Was there last year too?  I’m right there with you. Let this year be your year to make your dreams a reality.

It’s been over a year since I started working out with Holly Rigsby, owner of Fit Yummy Mummy.  I’m stronger than ever and gearing up for more fitness gains this year.

I’m 36 years old, have given birth to 6 children and need to be serious about fitness.  My family counts on me to be strong and have energy to meet all their needs. When I eat right and exercise we all benefit.

Any healthy eating plan and exercise program that you will follow is the right one for you.  If you already have a program you love and can stick to, I don’t want to change that.  If you don’t have one yet, I recommend Fit Yummy Mummy.  The workouts take 15-20 minutes a day and the food is normal sensible food that can be found at discount grocers like Aldi.

Holly will start her New Year Transformation Challenge January 7th, and I’d love to see you there.  All FYM club members can participate in the challenge with all the extra coaching for no additional charge. If you have had trouble sticking to a program in the past, the benefit of the support group, the journals, extra coaching, and prizes might be the extra motivation you need.

Registration starts January 2nd

Don’t sign up yet unless you are already a ClubFYM member or already have The FYM ebook package. 

Because you can get the first month free.

I encourage you to register early as the whole process can take an hour or so (since you will need to take measurements and photos and upload them to your secure journal.)

Here’s the theme for the challenge:

If you don’t already have her digital ebook/video package, I recommend it.  It makes it much easier to get started with the program and has simplified sets of exercises more suitable for beginners than the monthly workouts that club members get as part of their membership every month.  I saved the member workouts and used them later when my strength was built up.

When you buy the ebook package the first month of club membership is free.

After that it’s $20 a month if you choose to continue.  For your money you get a new set of workouts every month; online support from other club members; an opportunity for personal training from Holly (you can upload video of yourself doing the exercises and she will suggest form corrections) or you can just ask questions about exercise modifications etc…During challenges, Holly gives extra homework assignments 3 times a week to help us get to the heart of being successful with our goals and to keep us motivated.  She also offers extra training periodically in the form of conference calls or video chats.

If you will be joining the New Year Transformation Challenge with me, leave a comment and let me know!  My user name at clybfym is AngelaCoffman so I’m easy to find there too.

Disclaimer:  I am an affiliate with FYM and a portion of any ebook purchased through a link on this site goes to support my family.  All the opinions in this article are mine and were not requested by any FYM representative.