Washing Shoes

Sometimes shoes get so dirty and stinky that they can't be used.  They aren't really worn out, just gross.  When it comes to that, I'll throw them in the washing machine.  The sandals shown are even suede leather.  They turned out fine.  The worst thing that can happen is the shoes are ruined.  They were worthless to me without washing them anyway.  I usually air dry the shoes, though I've heard a couple of shoes in the dryer with some towels makes the towels really fluffy.  Putting some old towels in the washing load helps get the shoes cleaner too (more stuff to rub against.)  Hmmm, towels and shoes have a symbiotic relationship…who knew?

Ooh, my other tip is that saddle soap makes Crocs look almost brand new. And a drop of tea tree oil on a baby wipe can be used to clean the footbed of stinky sandals.

What's your secret to saving shoes?Heather sewing 029

Garage Sale Treasures

I found some great things last Friday garage sale shopping.

A $5 wicker table to match my $5 wicker love seat that I got at the same sale last year.  They both need a little glue, wire brushing and painting. I  plan to do all my porch furniture at the same time.

Heather sewing 010

A dresser mirror without the dresser–$5.  I plan to clean it, remove the mounting boards, add a wall hanger, and paint it espresso brown with black glazing.  It belongs in the tiny bathroom off my sewing studio.  I hope it will add light and interest to the room.

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A John Deere push tractor with a cracked seat $1.  My baby loves it!  The cracks bother me more than they do him.  I wonder if I can fix them with hot glue and JB Weld?  My cousin works for Dr. Vinyl.  I'll ask her what to do before I mess with it.

Heather sewing 011